Chapter 1

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As my bedroom door slammed open I jumped slightly at the force that it hit the wall. With tear filled eyes I turned to the door to see a fuming Angela standing there, her arms crossed over her chest.

"This has been going on long enough Tori. So that fucker left you. Move on. He obviously wanted you to. You and the Cullens seem to think that I do not know what is going on. I know that the Cullens are vampires." At my gasp she slammed the door closed. "I've known for a long time. I just chose not to say anything. They never hurt anyone and they seemed to love you a great deal. But I could tell that it was only a matter of time before Edward left you. He is not your soul mate Tori. Never has been."

Pulling my pillow into my lap as I sat up tears still streaming down my face, I turned to her as she sat beside me on the bed.

"How can you say that? I know he loved me." I sobbed. Taking my hand in hers, she began to tell me something that I never thought I would believe.

"Tori, sweetie, my mother and I are witches. I have this special ability to see the connection between two people. It's like a tether. When two people are meant to be together it starts out as a thin rope. The longer that they are together the thicker the rope becomes. With you and Edward the rope was never there. You haven't met your true soul mate yet. But you will. But only if you get out of this damn bed and pull yourself together." She hugged me close and then proceeded to drag my ass fully clothed into the bathroom and shoved me into the freezing cold shower.

After that it took some time but I finally realized that Edward never really loved me. If you truly love someone you would never voluntarily leave them. That was 6 years ago. I haven't seen or heard from them since that last day in the forest. Angela and I graduated from Forks High school at the top of our class and then went on to Washington State University. We majored in English Literature and Business Management. Our second year into college the whole world changed. Vampires came out of the coffin. They were different from the Cullens. They had fangs, drank blood and didn't sparkle in the sun. I had always wondered if the vampires from the stories had any amount of truth to them. Come to find out they were all real. The world was in an uproar. Suddenly you were either for vampires or against. Angela and I tried our hardest to stay out of it all. We were neither for nor against. We were happier that way. Just the two of us. Two peas in a pod. As I packed up the last of my things I took one last look around my former dorm room. I was really going to miss this place.

"So this is it?" I turned to the voice to see Angela standing in the doorway of our former room.

"Yup this is it. I'm going to miss you Ang." I said pulling her into a hug.

"Listen here my unbiological sister; this is not the end for us. We have a long history and an even longer future. You are heading down to Louisiana and I am heading to Texas. I see good things for us. I have called my cousin Sookie and she is going to meet you at the airport. You are going to stay with her until you find your own apartment. Hopefully you won't have to deal with her douche of a boyfriend Bill. I didn't tell her everything but I told her about your history with vampires. She knows better than to bring him around. But Bill is like a dog with a bone. He's obsessive with her. Constantly needs to know where she is and what she is doing. He's controlling. But she doesn't see it. She is so in love with him. It's a load of bullshit. If you can try and help her see that while you are living with her. He is keeping her from her soul mate. God Tori, I'm gonna miss you. Your parents would be so proud of you." She stated pulling me into a tight hug.

My parents. God, I miss them. One small thing that he forgot about when he left me in the woods that night. Victoria. The night before my high school graduation I came home to find Charlie sprawled across the living room floor his throat ripped out, his shotgun and shells beside his outstretched hand. Mom and Phil had been staying in my bedroom and hearing my mom's scream I bolted upstairs throwing open my bedroom door to witness Victoria ripping my mother's head off her shoulders. She left me alive though. As she sat there playing in my mother's blood, she began telling me that she knew that Edward wasn't my mate. Just like James hadn't been her true mate but she had loved him. She had been watching me. She had wanted me to suffer like she had. And what better way to make me suffer than take my parents away from me. She left after that and I never saw her again. I was devastated. I graduated but I didn't go to my graduation.

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