Chapter 5

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The next day Sookie and I had our bags packed and were currently enjoying ourselves on the plane. Pam and Eric's travel coffins had delivered at takeoff. I had only been on a plane twice in my life. I was scared shitless. Thankfully the private plane was stocked with mini bottles of all types of alcohol imaginable. And we were having the time of our lives. Eric had indulged me in purchasing Wii Karaoke and after much begging Sookie and I convinced him that we needed to have it on your flight. He reluctantly agreed. As long as he didn't have to be subject to the two of us singing. Neither one of us could carry a tune but when you are drunk that doesn't matter. We were having such a great time that we hadn't realized that the pilot had turned on the fasten seatbelt sign above our heads until the flight attendant interrupted our horrible singing fest. If only Edward could see me now. He always thought that getting drunk was childish. We glared at the flight attendant when she cleared her throat once again.

"Ladies I am going to have to ask you to please return to your seats. The Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt." The woman sneered at us. I could see that Sookie's eyes grew wide obviously hearing something about us in the woman's head.

"Listen here..." Sookie paused glancing at the woman's name tag, "Candy. You don't know anything about me or my friend. So why don't you keep your opinions about fang bangers out of your head. It just so happens that we are not whores as you like to think that we are. My friend over there glaring at you is still a virgin and while yes my ex-boyfriend was a vampire, he was the only man that I have ever been with. Just because you are ashamed of how many partners, human and vampire alike that you have been with doesn't mean that we are. My friend and I were hired for a job. Nothing more. So why don't you take your opinions and shove them up your ass. And if you like your job working for Eric Northman then I would suggest you learn to show some respect for his sister. While she may not be of his blood, he loves her as his sister. Plus his child Pam is her mother." She motioned to me and the woman's eyes grew wide. "I'm sure that Eric would love to know what you really think of us."

"My apologies Miss. I am sorry. But would you please take your seats. We will be landing in Dallas shortly." Once we were seated and our belts fastened, she quickly hurried away.

"Gees Sook, do I want to know what she was thinking?"

"Believe me Tori, I wouldn't have said anything if it was pleasant. Horrid bitch. Thinks that just because we are associated with vampires that we are fang bangers. I hate narrow minded people."

Within moments the plane was landing and pulling into a private hanger were a limo was waiting for us. As the ramp was pulled out I had a knot in my stomach. Something was wrong. Sookie climbed from the plane just ahead of me and I could hear her speaking to the baggage throwers who were slowly and gently pulling Pam and Eric's travel coffins from the belly of the plane. Once the coffins were on the ground, I walked over to Pam's coffin and gently knocked on the top. I smiled when I heard Pam's familiar voice ring out. Hearing the latches on the inside spring free I stepped back watching as she pushed open the lid. Eric was quickly following her.

"I really hate travelling in that thing. Why you couldn't get a night flight is beyond me Eric." She hugged me close and brushing my hair away from my ears kissed my cheeks. "How was the flight little one? Everything okay?" At my nod she seemed satisfied that my flight was uneventful and turned to Eric who was gazing at Sookie like he was a hungry man. "So are we heading to Godric's nest or are you going to stare at Sookie all night?"

Growling at her, he flipped us off which sent us into a fit of giggles and started walking to the open car door of the limo. Suddenly Sookie was screaming out Eric's name and that's when all hell broke loose. Suddenly we were surrounded by five different men, armed with silver nets and guns no doubt loaded with silver bullets. At Sookie's scream Eric turned quickly and narrowly missed having a silver net fall on him. He reached the man closest to him in a spilt second and the man was dead before he knew what had happened. As the realization hit that the vampires with us were not young, the men around us suddenly began to panic. And then time slowed down and I could see through the chaos was the leader standing slightly to my left. He appeared to be the only one in the room that was calm. He took in Eric's form protecting Sookie but disabling his men at the same time. He then turned his gaze to Pam and I. And when I saw him raise his gun and fire, all of my fear and anger towards this man came forward.

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