Chapter 8

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My bladder woke me the next morning and my eyes opened I had a moment of panic. Holding me tightly were a pair of arms I didn't recognize. I struggled for a moment disorientated until I was able to look up at the face of the person who was holding me. My panic stopped immediately as I recognized the face. Godric. I breathed a sigh of relief before laying my head on his chest. The clock on the bedside table read 4:27. I knew it had to be pm because dawn had been coming when we had climbed into bed. I didn't want to move but my bladder was making me increasingly uncomfortable. I tried to shimmy down Godric's body to pull away from his arms but they only seemed to hold me tighter. I knew it was impossible because when a vampire died for the day, they literally died for the day. No dreams, no movement. Nothing. He had fallen asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around me as if he was afraid I was going to vanish. I finally managed to wiggle free of his arms and rushed to the bathroom. After taking care of my human needs I stood there staring at my bruised face in the mirror. The left side of my face looked like I had been a sparring partner for Mohammed Ali. My jaw was bruised and purple in color. My lip was swollen and tender to the touch.

Sighing I turned away from my reflection heading back into the bedroom. As I stood in the doorway to the bedroom staring at Godric in his day rest I couldn't help but wonder what he would say or do when he heard about my past. I knew that he would eventually hear the truth from someone. It should be me. Turning away from him, I headed into the sitting area. My stomach growled loudly and I called down to room service ordering a steak, baked potato, salad and tea. I didn't want to leave Godric vulnerable. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door and I called out loudly to see who it was.

"Room service." The waiter on the opposite side called out.

"Just a minute." I quickly scanned the room for my purse. I wish I had thought about it earlier at the church but I found it on the table next to the couch. Rushing over to it I pulled out my pepper spray hiding it in the pocket of the track suit. My last gift from Charlie. I quickly closed the bedroom door and when the waiter impatiently knocked on the door again I hurried over to it and flung it open. "You can just leave it there. I'll bring it into the room. Charge it to the room. Thanks." Grabbing the cart I quickly pulled it into the room and shut the door on the waiter. The food smelled heavenly and I dived right in. I didn't realize how hungry I had been until the plates were cleaned after only twenty minutes of eating. I pushed the cart back out into the hall and curled up on the couch. I started to think about what Lorena had said about the Cullen's meeting with the Queen of Louisiana and how they talked about me.

How could they be so cruel? I knew that Rosalie had hated me but for Alice to say those things as well? I thought she had been my friend. What hurt the most though was the thought that Emmett and Jasper had been there and hadn't said a word. They had been my brothers and I had loved them like I loved Eric. Lorena was right. I was a stupid person to think that a vampire like Edward could have ever loved me. These thoughts led me to thoughts of Godric. Could I tell him? Would he leave? Could I handle it if he left me? I didn't know what to think of my feelings for him. He was over two thousand years old. Edward had only been a hundred and he didn't love me. How could I begin to hope that someone as old as he was could actually love me?

"You're a fool Tori Swan. A coward and a fool." I said to myself, tears gathering in my eyes. I curled my knees into my chest as I said this out loud and was startled by a voice coming from the bedroom doorway.

"That little one is a falsehood. You are neither a coward nor a fool." I turned to the voice and saw Godric standing there, fire in his eyes. He was still shirtless; his only article of clothing was the pair of jeans he had been wearing when we arrived at the hotel. I glanced quickly at the clock on the TV and saw it read only 5pm. My eyes snapped back to him frantically searching for the bleeds.

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