Chapter 9

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Once we returned to Bon Temps the months flew past. I was right when I had thought Pam and Eric were planning something for my birthday. They threw me a huge party with everyone from Dallas in attendance. As much as I hated surprises I really enjoyed my party. I have never been one for presents after what happened when I turned 18. But I saw how happy and excited everyone was I pushed my anxiety away and flung myself into the mountain of presents. My presents from Eric were every single pair of Jimmy Choo shoes that I had on my list that we had made before we left for Dallas. Pam had gotten me a car. It was a fire engine red 1969 Ford mustang. I squealed like a little girl. It was by far my favorite car in the entire world. Adam bought me Tiffany tennis bracelet and ear rings. Sookie bought me a first edition of Wuthering Heights. I think I almost had a heart attack when I had ripped open the wrappings. Sookie had finally relented and let Eric take her car shopping. When she went to sell the car she found out that it was apparently a classic. She had more money now then she knew what to do with. I love it all. But my favorite presents were from Godric. He had given me a diamond swan necklace and a beautiful diamond ring. He told me that it was just a promise. A promise for us until I was ready to make it official. He knew that I had accepted him as my mate but I wasn't ready to get married. We had talked about it and he knew my reasons.

Before we knew it Halloween was upon us and Fangtasia had its big Halloween party tonight. I was dressing up as a naughty Red Riding Hood. Sookie was planning on going a naughty Viking maiden. She and Eric had gotten closer over the last few months. She had started working full time as his telepath. We didn't realize it at the time but when she had willingly taken Eric's blood it increased her powers. She was now able to read not only human minds but could also read vampires. She was terrified of that knowledge getting out so the only people who knew were Pam, Godric, Eric and I. We couldn't trust anyone else. Eric had announced publicly one night at Fangtasia that Sookie was his and she had been protected ever since. I knew that it was only a matter of time before the two of them bonded. As Sookie and I got ready for the party I left my bedroom door open so that we could talk.

"Sook, tell me when you are going to give in and bond yourself to Eric? I know that you love him." I called out pulling the rollers from my hair letting it cascade down my back brushing it into soft waves.

"Tori, I don't know. I want to wait until we know all of this shit is done with. You and I both know that Bill is up to something. His constant visits, even though we don't let him in tell us that. His Queen is just not going to let us go without a fight. I love Eric and even though he hasn't said the words back to me yet I know that he feels the same. Yeah it would be nice if he said them but I don't need to hear the words to know that he loves me. He asked me about becoming a vampire once we've bonded. I didn't know what to say. Has Godric asked you?" She said coming to stand in my doorway. Pausing in applying my lipstick I thought about the conversation we had earlier that week.


"Min kärlek, we haven't spoken about this but with everything that has been going on I need to know something." He asked rubbing his hand down my arm, shivers running over my skin.

"What is it my love?"

"With this threat from the day walkers and the Queen I need to know how you feel about becoming a vampire."

"I hadn't thought about it. I know that I don't want to be without you. And I don't want you to have to live without me. If it comes down to it you have my permission to change me." Pulling me tighter against his chest, he kissed me fiercely.

"That min kärlek, makes me the happiest I have been since I found you."

End Flashback

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