Chapter 4

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One thing that you should know about Sookie is that she never swears. Me, I could make a sailor blush; especially after meeting Eric and Adam. Edward always frowned and then tried to "explain" to me that a lady didn't swear. His 'explanation' was always a way for him to talk down to me. As if I was beneath him. Well here's what I have to say about that. FUCK HIM. Anyway back to Sookie, as I sat there watching her pace back and forth in the small enclosed office, I started to blush from the words and comments that were coming out of her mouth. Eric just smirked.

"I will fucking stake him myself if I ever see him again. I can't believe that cock sucking mother fucking limp dick bastard. If I hadn't saved his ass from those fucking drainers he would be a mother fucking pile of fucking goo. And this is the fucking thanks I get. And then I was nearly beaten to death by those same motherfuckers not two days later."

"Yeah about that Sook..." I stated interrupting. She whirred around facing us, fire in her eyes.

"What?" She practically yelled. I looked to Eric not wanting to tell her.

"Sookie, what Tori is trying to say is that I do not believe that it was a coincidence that Bill was late that evening." Eric paused coming to stand in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"Just spit it the fuck out Eric. I am a big girl and I am so fucking tired of being lied to."

" Very well. A vampire is never late Sookie. Only a newborn vampire is occasionally late. And that is only because they are getting use to their new bodies. Bill is well over two hundred years old. There is no excuse for him to be late especially since he only lives a few minutes away. I believe that he either glamoured the drainers to beat you or was purposely waiting until just the right moment in order to get his blood into you." At Sookie's gasp it finally dawned on her. Shifting her gaze from Eric to me, she questioned accusingly, "You knew didn't you? That's why you told me to try and not drink any of Bill's blood. Why didn't you fucking tell me Tori?" By this time she was screaming, tears running down her face. Jerking her hands free from Eric she crossed the short room and slapped me across the face. Pam instantly had her pin against the wall, fangs extended, her hand wrapped tightly around Sookie's throat.

"Moder behaga. icke gör det." (Mother please. Don't.) I begged her, trying to pry her hand away from Sookie's neck. Pam snarled at Sookie, who eyes were wide and full of tears. "Hon gjorde icke snål den. Hon er rättvis välta. Behaga?" (She didn't mean it. She is just upset. Please?) Reluctantly Pam released her and Sookie sagged to the floor.

"You are lucky my daughter loves you breather. Touch her like that again and I will not be so forgiving no matter what my maker may say." Crossing her arms over her chest, Pam moved away from us slightly but was hovering over my left shoulder as I crouched down on my knees in front of Sookie. She had pulled her knees up against her chest with her head down; her sobs echoed throughout the room.

"Sook, sweetie, I only know about the side effects. Eric told me that first night that we met. We wanted to get proof of Bill's treachery. And I asked you to not drink his blood because I knew that he could possibly be influencing you. He knew the side effects and yet he continued to give it to you. Come on sweetie, look at me."

She lifted her head and her gaze met mine. I could see all the heartbreak that Edward had put me through in her eyes. Bill was her first love and I knew how she was feeling. She had given him her heart and now it was breaking. Her whole world was crashing down around her and she was doubting everything.

"I know it hurts sweets. I've been there. I know what is going on in that beautiful head of yours. You are wondering if you hadn't saved him from the drainers, would you have gotten involved with vampires. Would Rene have wanted to kill you because he thought you were a fang banger like his sister? Would Gran still be alive if you had never gone out with Bill that night? I can't answer those questions for you. But I know that you loved him, even though your love for him was greatly influenced by having his blood in you. I know that you are now doubting your hatred for Eric. You're wondering if Bill could influence your emotions about him, could he influence them about Eric. This is why I asked you to trust me. Look at Eric, Sookie. Really look at him. Without the influence of Bill's blood." I turned her face to look at Eric who was crouched down beside us rubbing circles on her back. Sookie was shocked to see Eric being so tender. But I wasn't. Only Pam and I knew just how tender and loving Eric Northman truly was.

As she searched Eric's eyes, I waited. I could see the wheels in her head turning. All of her moments with Bill and Eric. Very time Eric looked at her. Spoke to her, treated her as an equal instead of a pet. The memories continued to flash across her memory and her eyes started to well up in tears once again.

"Oh God. I've been such a fool. Eric, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She flung her arms around Eric's neck sobbing. Standing I walked over to Pam and she hugged me close to her body. Eric pulled Sookie closer to his body, his hands rubbing soothingly down her back. As he stroked her back her sobs finally died down until the only sound throughout the room was Sookie's sniffles. As she pulled back Sookie pulled Eric's head down to hers and kissed him gently. Eric froze, shocked that Sookie was willingly kissed him. When his senses finally came back to him he responded enthusiastically.

"It's about damn fucking time." Pam finally broke the silence. Sookie smiled against Eric's lips and Eric flipped us off, his lips never leaving Sookie's. "Alright you two. Enough. Eric I know that you want to suck her face off but we need to figure out when we are leaving for Dallas. Sookie needs to talk to the shifter and get some time off from work. So stop trying to eat her face Eric and let her go make some phone calls."

Growling at Pam, Eric rose to his feet, Sookie's hand grasped firmly in his. Kissing her once again he released her and watched her as she quickly left the room phone already out punching in numbers as she closed the door behind her.

"Du er lycklig så pass du er min barnen." (You are lucky that you are my child.) Eric turned to Pam snarling at her. We simply just smiled at him.

"Say thank you big brother."

"Never." He stated grinning at me. " You, my little sister are a brat. But I love you. Now let me tell you about our trip." A half an hour let Sookie returned to his office fuming.

"God, Sam is such an asshole. I can't fucking believe him. Eric could you use another waitress? I just quit working for Sam. If he can't accept my decisions about my own life then I don't need him in my life."

"We will figure something out Sook. Now get your ass over here and sit down so Eric can tell us about this job in Dallas. Maybe we can see Angela when we are down there. After we find their missing Sheriff."

Plopping down on the couch, Sookie kicked off her shoes and pulled her feet up underneath her. Eric pushed away from his desk, coming around to sit beside us on the couch. Just as he began to speak a loud grumble sounded throughout the room. I giggled at the perplexed looks on both Pam and Eric's face.

"It's just our stomachs you guys. We're hungry."

"I'll go get you two something to eat. Eric has already told me about this trip. Chinese?" At my nod, Pam was gone.

"It won't bother you if we eat in front of you?" Sookie questioned looking at Eric.

"Of course not. Why do you think that?"

"Bill always complained when I would eat in front of him. He said it was disgusting. That's why I've lost so much weight. He is always around and then when he's not I am so afraid that he is gonna smell what I ate for lunch and get angry. So I would forget to eat."

"While the smell is not that appetizing but it gives you nourishment. This in turn supplies nourishment for me one day soon I hope." He said with a smirk gazing at Sookie. Her face bloomed red and the sound of Eric's fangs snapping out filled the room. "Compton truly is an worthless vampire. Don't worry Sookie, I will never let you forget to eat. Well unless we are otherwise occupied. Anyway while Pam is getting your dinner, I will tell you about my maker." Eric started to tell us all about his maker. It was clear that Eric truly cared for his maker. As he continued to talk my eyes started growing heavy and leaning my head against Eric's shoulder quickly fell asleep. My dreams were filled with images of a man whose face I couldn't see and were filled moments that would have made any virgin blush.

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