Chapter 6

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The next morning Sookie and I dressed in our Sunday best. She was in a cute little sundress with little daisies on it. My dress with a light blue sundress with little lace flowers sewn into the hem that Pam had bought for me. Pam had commented that I looked like the little virgin that I was when I had tried it on for her in the store. As we drove to the church, I thought about last night when Sookie and I talked about her taking Eric's blood.


"I just don't know Tori. I'm just not sure that Eric won't try to manipulate my emotions like Bill has been doing."

"First don't ever compare my brother to that asshole. You are still letting Bill's opinion of Eric affect your feelings for him. And don't try to deny that you have feelings for him. They clearly show every time you look at him. Second Eric would never do that. He wants you to come to him on your own terms. Did you know that he could have taken you from Bill that first night that you walked into Fangtasia? It was within his right as Bill's sheriff. You hadn't had Bill's blood yet and Eric could smell that. But do you know why he didn't?" She shook her head. "Because even then he cared for you. And he knew that you were not like any of the other fang bangers that just wanted him to fuck them. He didn't even know you well then and he already felt a pull towards you."

"I felt it that night too. But when Bill claimed that I was his I didn't know what to do. So I just let him. And then everything happened with Gran and the drainers. I'm scared Bells. I don't want him to just throw me away when he is done with me.

"Sookie, honey. Listen to me. Eric is my brother. The only two people in the world that know Eric better than me is Pam and Godric. When he loves he loves with his whole heart. Just let him in. Trust me okay?"

"Okay Tori. I'll trust you. Its Eric that I am worried about."

"Don't be. Now go let Eric have some of your blood and get some rest. We need to look fresh faced tomorrow."

When Sookie had emerged from Eric's room this morning I could tell that she had let him drink from her and she from him. She had a glow about her that only came from vampire blood. Smirking at her as she sat across from me at the table this morning, she flipped me and smiled into her eggs. Now as we pulled into the parking lot, I looked to Hugo who had started sweating.

"Hugo, just relax. Everything is going to be fine. If you start freaking out now then Sookie and I should do this by ourselves."

"I'm fine. What are we going to tell them?" He questioned as he turned the car off, glancing at me in the rearview mirror.

"We are going to tell them that we are adopted siblings that have recently moved into town because our parents were killed by vampires. We heard about their church and wanted to join. Just play the good brother role and we will be fine."

As we climbed from the car, I saw a blond hair woman walking towards us. She waved to us and Sookie broke out the crazy Sookie smile. I flashed a grin as well turning my back on Hugo. I wasn't going to worry about him. Sookie and I could pull this off.

"Hi ya'll. You must be the Thompson family. It's so wonderful to meet ya'll. When I heard that you wanted to come to see the church I was so excited about this visit. I'm Sarah Newlin. Welcome to Dallas." Sookie reached out and shook Sarah's hand. I knew that physical contact helped Sookie 'hear' more.

"Sarah it is such a pleasure and honor to meet you. I was just telling my sister that I was hoping that we could meet you and your husband today. You two are such an inspiration to us. My name is Anna and this is my sister Marie. And that's my brother Hunter."

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