Chapter 3

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The months flew by and before I knew it, my birthday was fast approaching. I was turning 24. When I had dated Edward I had always dreaded turning another year older. But now that I had met Pam and Eric I was actually looking forward to my birthday. Once Eric had heard my history with the day walkers I became is little sister. Pam became a mother. Sookie couldn't believe it. Pam was a completely different person around me. I was her daughter and she treated me as such. They were planning something for my birthday. I could feel it. Over the past few months I was spending more and more time at Fangtasia. Once Eric had found out about my degree in business he immediately hired me. Sam didn't understand why I chose to work around vampires after what I had been through. I tried to explain to him that I felt safe with Pam and Eric. He just sneered at me and threatened to fire me if I didn't stop associating myself with them. I did him one better. I quit right then leaving him in a bind and one waitress short. Sookie tried to talk me out of it but I wouldn't listen. I was done with people trying to control me.

Eric was still working on finding out why Compton had moved to Bon Temps. He was close to something. He wouldn't tell me what but I knew that it would destroy Sookie if she still believed that she loved Bill. Eric requested that I not tell Sookie about our suspicions until we had proof. I hated keeping this from her but Eric was right. Sookie wouldn't believe us unless we had proof to show her. The only thing that Eric requested that I talk to Sookie about was the blood thing. If we could keep her from taking any more of Bill's blood, she would finally be able to distinguish between her true feelings for Bill and what was a lie.

Sookie didn't want to listen to what I had to say at first claiming that Bill would never do that to her. Once I finally was able to get her to sit down and listen long enough I asked her to trust me. I asked her to not willingly drink any of Bill's blood for six months; and if her feelings were still the same after that time that I would try and be nicer to Bill and accept him as her boyfriend. She reluctantly agreed. That had been three months ago and while she may not see it, I certainly could. Her feelings for Bill were not real. Thankfully Bill had not caught on. The moron was still spouting out that Sookie loved him and that I needed protection. He was still offering to 'claim' me. I almost punched him again when he had jerked me away from a young man named Adam that had offered to dance with me one night at Fangtasia. Adam was a fairly young vampire having only been turned in the 80's but he had seen me sitting with Sookie and asked me to dance. We were having a wonderful time laughing, dancing and talking. I had found out that he had asked me to dance because I reminded him of his older sister who had died when she was 17 killed by a drunk driver. He had just dipped me to the floor and was apparently hold me to close for Bill's prudish ways. Thankfully Pam was at my side instantly, her fangs out snapping at Bill. I still remember Bill's face when he realized that Pam had taken me on as her daughter.


"Exactly what do you think you are doing putting your hands on what is mine?" Bill sneered at Adam whose fangs had snapped out when he saw how Bill was man-handling me.

"We were only dancing old man." Bill growled at him as Adam said this, his grip on my wrist growing painful. I winced as his hand tightened on it.

"You would do well to retract your fangs, little one. I am much older than you and I plan on keeping what is mine. Now back away and leave my human alone."

"Your human Compton? I don't believe that Tori has ever claimed to be yours. Have you Tori?" I turned to Pam's voice relief on my face.

"Om lopp inte Moder."(Of course not Mother) Pam smiled as I answered her in Swedish. She was teaching me how to speak in Swedish and was pleased that I had picked it up so quickly.

"I thought not. Compton release my daughter's wrist if you want to keep your hand." Bill's face snapped towards Pam and glared at her. His face was priceless. It was filled with shock. He looked like he was constipated and had eaten something sour. "Do I need to repeat myself? Release my daughter or I will make you suffer. And retract your fangs so I will rip them out and wear them as earrings. " Bill reluctantly released my wrist reluctantly still sneering at me and Pam; his fangs clicking back into hiding.

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