Part 1, Yakko POV

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Damn it, Yakko had gotten caught, since he'd moved to Acme Falls he'd become a little too cocky, he tried to pickpocket the King's Tax collector. The look on his parent's faces when he was pulled up to their door, and they were told he had yet again been caught stealing, "Yakko, what have we told you" his mother had said, "we have enough, you have no need to steal" Yakko said not being able to meet his mother's eyes, he had that line drilled into his mind
But he just kept stealing. It was the rush it gave him, it was something to do. "is there any way he can pay off his crimes" his mother said "One. The King hears your son is quite the musician, the Princess's birthday is approaching, and they need music. He can work for his freedom" Baron von Plotz said "I'll do it" Yakko said bitterly, he hated the king, but he would rather be arrested for theft than treason, and he took the job to make his parents less disappointed, they shouldn't have to pay his bail. Again. "excellent," the Baron said, "we'll retrieve you tomorrow at sunrise," he said, "be fully packed to leave by then".
Great. The guard gripping his arm threw him to the ground outside their Caravan home. His mother helped him up and gave him a hand with packing. "why, why do you steal" she said, her voice soft, but disappointed. " I don't know anymore," Yakko said, slumping into a sitting position on his bed, his Mum sat next to him "Maybe that'll teach you a couple of things," she said placing a hand on his shoulder.

The next morning the Baron came to collect Yakko, "we have a Guard arranged for you." he said "Why? Do you think there's gonna be a threat on my life? I'm flattered but I'm not important enough for that much attention" Yakko said "No, it's to keep you from stealing from the king, or anyone else in the castle" The Baron said his voice cold and annoyed, "all right, man get a sense of humor" Yakko said putting his hands up in mock surrender.

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