Part 14, Yakko

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Yakko's whole body was trembling, he was about to be crowned king, he was going to be the king of a kingdom he barely knew. but a plus was the fact he had Wakko and Dot by his side, he still had to get to know them, but Dot was finally becoming herself, about a week after Salazar's defeat she got Aunt Lillian to cut her hair, it was now a short pixie cut and she no longer resembled their Mother, which Dot saw as a plus, she'd confided in Yakko that She had always felt like a replacement for Mom, it turns out she was right, the three of them had come up with the nickname Dot for her, like the dot at the end of a sentence, she completed their little trio of Siblings, she had also thrown away or modified all the dresses Salazar made her wear, they were dyed to be Pink, all the Yellow, red, and blue were washed away, Aunt Lillian being a seamstress made all three of them new clothes, Yakko was no longer in patched clothes and whatever else he could find on the streets, he now had fresh clothes, pressed shirts, vests and they were all clean. Wakko had finally been able to express themself, they had replaced the blue shirt with a dark blue dress, it had a tool turtle-neck-esque neckline, as well as Tool sleeves that went over white gloves, and each hand had a single ring that brought the tool together, one black and one white, the same material created an overskirt that went down to the ground, Their hat stayed but it was a new version, with a crown incorporated into it for formal occasions, Dot joined her two brothers in the room, her light-dark pink dress trailing behind her, her tiara placed on her head, it perfectly complemented her new hairstyle, "you ready?" she asked, "absolutely not" Yakko said, "well you've got two minutes to become ready Yakko, I'm gonna introduce you and you address the public when the curtain opens,"  Dot said jokingly at the beginning and her morphing into a stern instructional tone at the end, "right.." Yakko said.

Dot left the room through the curtains onto the balcony, Yakko couldn't see her but he heard her perfectly, her voice was strong and commanding:

"My Subjects" she started, "as you know, the former King Salazar, has recently been revealed to be a fraud, and his rule was under false pretenses,  as your Princess it is my Duty to tell you the truth, I am no longer the heir to the throne, I am in that line" Dot said

"I-I'm no King, I don't know the first thing about ruling," Yakko said,  "you've got this Yak, you can't do any worse than Salad-bar," Wakko said as they punched his arm Lightly, "thanks Wak" Yakko said confidence rising, 

"Now, it is my Great pleasure to formally introduce you to your soon-to-be King Yakko Warner, and Second in line Princex Wakko Warner" Dot said as the curtains flew open the crowd of people below were cheering, cheering for him.


for now.

but it's officially the end of my uploading on this account. I've moved over to AO3. (same username) 

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