Part 12, Wakko

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CW for mild/mentions of gore/blood

Wakko was frozen in shock, Yakko crumbled to the ground, Salazar rose and as he did his sword slowly coming out of Yakko's back causing their Brother to make a incoherent noise but was clearly in pain "There we go. One less thorn in my side" he said sounding almost gleeful, "YAKKO" Wakko shouted "SHOW ME SOME FORM OF LIFE" they said Yakko slightly moved his arm, "now little soldier, you don't actually think he was telling you the truth?" Salazar said "I-I saw the evidence," Wakko said "That could easily be faked," Salazar said, "not to the degree I saw," Wakko said rage bubbling. "Pity. you had the prospects to be the perfect little soldier" Salazar said Wakko drew their sword and stood over their Brother "You aren't gonna come anywhere near my brother." they said "I am going to stop you" they said. "How. I'm the king, you aren't strong enough" Salazar said "What makes you think that" Wakko said. "I don't show everything in training," Wakko said Wakko and Salazar fought. each proving their skill. Salazar was eventually backed up against the railing of the platform. Wakko noticed his clock necklace had glowed every time he used his magic, they now had a plan. they hit Salazar's necklace breaking it, with the push making the phony King fall over the railing onto the ballroom floor, shattering the necklace. Wakko turned to their sister, "Angelina, " they started, but her face looked terrified, " Lena, look at me. " they said. Angelina threw her arms around her Sibling, Wakko Turned to Yakko, He'd propped himself up. Wakko ripped their sleeve and wrapped it around Yakko's chest "Yakko quit squirming" they said "This is embarrassing" Yakko said, "its basic medical attention. live with it" Wakko said standing up. "Guards. take Salazar into custody. that's an order" Wakko said looking at the other Guards, they nodded and brought the former king to the Dungeon. Wakko grabbed Yakko's hand and pulled him up and supported them. the crowd was looking at the siblings shocked. without a word Wakko took Angelina's hand and left the ballroom, they left the castle and made their way to the Nerz household. after a lot of fussing from his adopted mother Yakko was eventually properly patched up, Wakko told as much of the story as they could with Yakko filling parts in and Angelina adding a few details about castle life. "oh William" Ms Nerz said, "it makes full sense that he'd marry the Queen" she said, and she fell into a story alot like the one Aunt Lil and Uncle James told them, about the Knight and Princess, "Will sent it to me before he passed, and since I knew Yakko here was his son I told it to him" she said "I was told the same one" Wakko said. all Wakko knew was they needed to see Aunt Lil and Uncle James that week. once Yakko could travel. the three would go back to the Families shop.

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