Part 3, Wakko POV

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"aw, you haven't given me a chance yet," Yakko said "I don't think you understand, I am your Guard, not your Friend, or Pal, buddy, or anything like that. I am just here to make sure you don't steal anything" Wakko Said annoyed "Sir yes sir," Yakko said, "Don't call me sir, Im not officially knighted," Wakko said, it's true they weren't knighted, they also just hated the Label "Sir" it makes them feel uncomfortable and not themself, they'd never lik d being referred to as a boy, or masculine Wakko knew from a relatively young age that they weren't fully a boy, or a girl, "fine, what do I call you then," Yakko said, "Officer Warner," Wakko said, "other than that, it feels far too formal and prissy," Yakko said, "well you're gonna live with it." Wakko said re-sheathing their sword,
Over the next few hours, Yakko tried to start up a conversation but Wakko always put a swift end to it. "you're no fun" Yakko said breaking the pleasant silence "Not s'posed to be" Wakko said, "can we at least do something more interesting than sitting here Doing nothing?" Yakko asked "I am not to let you out of this room until you are proven trustworthy," Wakko said reciting the orders they were given. "and you haven't proven that you are." They said. Wakko looked at the clock, it was 5 pm, "half an hour 'till your food comes, it's also when I get off my shift, another guard will come in to supervise 'till 10." Wakko said "Yeesh you only get a four-hour break when you've been working for almost nine? That isn't very worker-friendly" Yakko said, Wakko hated to admit it but Yakko was right, but Wakko got paid a good amount for each hour, so they could support their family.  their break Wakko took to walking around the castle getting familiar with the layout, something was off though, out of the corner of their eye they saw a red and purple figure floating around. Wakko just attributed it to being tired and Annoyed at Yakko. they looked through their wallet, seeing photos of their Father, Aunt, and Uncle, sketches Dad made of their Mum, and photos of them and their friends, and Partner. they lingered over the drawing of their Mum, she seemed familiar, but they couldn't place were they'd seen her before (other than Dad's drawings of course) 

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