Part 8, Wakko POV

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"You sure you can pull this off" Yakko said "I'm surprised you even believed me" he continued. "Me too, but I saw the proof." Wakko said, "but you are good with coming up with schemes for this sorta thing, and I have basic authority, and respect, so between us I think we can." They said "I hope your right Wak" Yakko said, Wakko looked at their brother, "I hope she'll at least hear us out"  Wakko said "with the five days of planning we've done, I'd say we have a slight chance" Yakko said. "No time like the Present. It's my break anyway. I got Steve to come in, he's pretty laid back, just don't try anything till I get back OK?" Wakko said "alright."Yakko agreed.
Wakko left the room. And gestured to Steve that it was his shift. Then they went looking. How hard was it to find the Princess in a GIANT castle? Not very actually. She was in the terrace doing Embroidery. "Princess Angelina, m'lady" Wakko said bowing out of respect, they still were seen as a common guard so it was best to keep up appearances. "Yes Guardsman?" She said looking up, "sit, please" she said moving slightly to the Right making room for Wakko, "Princess, I have information you may find, well, un-beleivable.. I was the same before I was shown the evidence." They said "what is it then" the Princess said impatiently, "I have preparations to attend to soon" She said, Wakko exhaled " your father...isn't who he says he is. He was never married to your Mum, she was married to a former Guard named William Warner. I say former because he was killed. By the current King." Wakko said, "what..."Angelina said "but that..." she said looking at Wakko's identification tag and their face "I'm your sibling. We have another Brother. The entertainment for your Party" They said looking the Princess in the eyes, having glimpses Back to the times they'd play together as small children. Before all the bad things happened. "No. No. That's not true, your lying to me" the Princess said standing up and stepping away, "I'm not asking you to believe me. I just wanted you to know 'Lena," Wakko said also standing up, "and here, thought you should have this" they said, and placed the Star necklace Yakko had found, like his Sun one and their Moon one, in her hands, now they were all back to their proper people. "I'm sorry Princess. I thought you should at least know." Wakko said "I hope you think about it." They said turning away from Angelina "I promise I won't tell my father. Until. I find a way to prove you wrong." She said shakely as if she was trying not to cry. "I thank you for that m'lady" they said and walked away. Again out of the corner of their eye, Wakko saw a purple figure, this time it was clearer. Wakko turned to face it and...nothing, except for the echo of a song in the halls, the song their Mum had sung to them and their siblings to make sure they knew they were Safe and Sound, Wakko realized that they were quietly singing the tune under their breath, they needed to make things right. They needed to find a way.

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