Shattered Rainbows

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I see the world through a different lens. The colours are brighter, the sounds more vivid, and the emotions intense. Some days, it's a beautiful symphony of sensations that I can't wait to explore, while other days, it's a cacophony that overwhelms me. I am different, and my journey to find happiness has been both a challenge and a blessing.

From a young age, I knew I experienced the world differently than those around me. The smallest details would capture my attention – the way the sunlight filtered through leaves, the patterns in the sand at the beach, or the sensation of a gentle breeze against my skin. These moments were like treasures, allowing me to feel a profound connection with the world that often felt beyond words.

But along with these moments of wonder came moments of intense discomfort. Noises that seemed ordinary to others could become unbearable to me – the hum of fluorescent lights, the clatter of dishes in a crowded restaurant, the blaring of sirens. These sounds would overwhelm my senses, causing distress and making it difficult to focus on anything else. It was as if my heightened perception was a double-edged sword, granting me the ability to experience beauty and depth in ways others might miss, but also exposing me to a world of stimuli that could become unbearably harsh.

Emotions were another realm where my differences became evident. I felt emotions deeply and intensely. When I was happy, the joy would fill me up to the brim, making me want to dance and share my excitement with everyone around me. On the flip side, moments of sadness could be crushing, and the weight of my emotions often felt like an anchor dragging me down.

Navigating social interactions was perhaps one of the most complex challenges I faced. The unspoken rules and cues that seemed to come naturally to my peers were a puzzle I had to decipher piece by piece. Sometimes, I would misinterpret a gesture or tone of voice, leading to awkward or confusing situations. But as I learned more about human behaviour, I also discovered the beauty of authenticity and the power of forging connections based on genuine understanding.

Over time, I came to realize that my difference was not a limitation but a unique way of experiencing the world. While it posed challenges, it also granted me the ability to see beauty in unexpected places and to connect with others on a deep, sincere level. I learned to appreciate the ebb and flow of my sensory experiences, finding solace in quiet moments and learning techniques to manage sensory overload during overwhelming times.

My journey to find happiness has been a complex one. It's involved understanding myself, advocating for my needs, and embracing the strengths that come with my differences. I've found joy in pursuing my interests with passion and immersing myself in activities that bring me a sense of accomplishment. And while there have been moments of frustration and isolation, I've also found a supportive community of individuals who celebrate neurodiversity and value the unique perspectives that people like me bring to the world.

Through the unique lens of my own, I've discovered that happiness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's a tapestry woven from moments of wonder, challenges overcome, and connections forged. And as I continue to explore the vibrant landscape of my experiences, I'm grateful for the lens that allows me to see the world in a way that's undeniably my own.

I've always known that happiness exists, even though it often feels like an elusive treasure. My journey began in my sanctuary - a room filled with canvases that were my connection to the world outside. I painted rainbows that I believed could bridge the gap between my world and everyone else's. Those rainbows held the spectrum of emotions I struggled to express.

In my art, I found a way to translate the intensity of my emotions into something tangible and shareable. Each brushstroke was a whisper of my innermost feelings, a way to convey joy, confusion, excitement, or even the moments when the world became too overwhelming. The colours danced on the canvas like a language that only I could fully understand. It was in this space that I felt a sense of autonomy and control, a haven where I could make sense of the swirling chaos within me.

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