All Apologies.

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I'm sorry, deeply sorry, for the moments lost,
When I failed to see the value, at what great cost.
Those few minutes with your son, they should have shone,
Brighter than any chore, a bond to hone.

Sis', forgive the chasm between us, wide and deep,
As kin, our connection should have been a keep.
Old friends, the tales we could have spun,
If only egos hadn't held the pen, undone.

To hearts misled, I extend my remorse,
For igniting false hopes without recourse.
Speeding off when I should have stayed,
Leaving behind scars that won't fade.

To those hidden, and those I've lied,
For moments concealed, by the lake's tide.
My personal space, a sanctuary from prying eyes,
I'm sorry if my boundaries you despise.

Not one for small talk, or links over dinner,
Can't guilt-trip me, I'm alone and i know I'm not the winner
Out of touch, like a distant star,
But beneath the surface, lies more than what you are.

To Mother Earth, burdened by our sins,
I vow to do better, where the healing begins.
And to my ancestors, whose struggles I bear,
I'll fight for justice, for a world that's fair.

Sorry if I seem pretentious, it's not my intent,
Just trying to back up my words with confidence.
In the tapestry of apologies, let this be my thread,
I'm sorry, dear friend, for the words left unsaid.

I extend my hand, with sincerity, to mend,
The fractures in our bond, to make amends.
For in this journey of friendship, let it be known,
I'm committed to growth, to being truly shown

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