The Polaroid

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In the quiet of my room, I took it down,

The Polaroid, a silent witness to our past.

Not out of dislike, but sadness, I confess,

For I am drawn to roam, while you prefer to stay.

A wanderer, a nomad, lost in my mind,

I find solace in motion, in the open road.

But you, anchored to home, a steady presence,

In our mismatched rhythms, a discordance lies.

In dreams, I sought California's distant shores,

Yet found myself lost in a phantom's embrace.

Amidst the sway of theatre's hushed embrace,

We sang, forgetting all that ever pained.

Home, but briefly, mere hours fleeting,

A hurried embrace, a fleeting touch.

Familiar faces, fleeting moments,

Before I must depart once more.

One hand upon the wheel, one waving free,

In the twilight of departure, I find my peace.

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