To Him.

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In the whispers of regret, I seek solace,
Adrift in the currents of apologies unspoken.
A friend's heart, a fragile vessel,
Yet my presence, a tempest untamed.

I falter in the dance of camaraderie,
An actor on a stage, veiled in pretense.
Not myself, but a shadow of familiarity,
Lost in the labyrinth of borrowed personas.

To your love, an enigma, a puzzle unsolved,
Her disdain, a dagger in the heart's chamber.
I offer no defense, only repentance,
For wounds inflicted, scars unseen.

Let us unearth the fragments of our bond,
Piece by piece, with tender hands.
Forgiveness, the mortar that binds anew,
In the tapestry of friendship, redemption blooms.

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