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In particle and quantum physics, we are taught
That everything which is or once was,
Belongs to the stars.

Cause and effect — we are an explosion of stardust,
A cacophony of forgotten sounds.
- Interrupted vibrations.
Never knowing where we start and where we end;
Yet we exist wholly independent,
And broken.

There can be no existence without a movement of energy between us;
Us and the earth.
Us and each other.
No form.
No function.

All we are, all we ever could be
Is dust.
Scattered millions of miles apart
and across the seas.
How then, might you think to gravitate -
Towards me.

If only there was a way
To trick the vibrational frequencies that govern time and space as we know it.
To place us somewhere else;
Somewhere closer than these miles away.
Closer than this small town in the middle of nowhere...
Or somewhere I've never been across the sea.

Yet we are just dust.
Spewed from the cosmos into bags of chemicals.
Searching for purpose;
Searching for the rest of our pieces.

In particle and quantum physics we are taught -
That everything that is or once was
Belongs to the stars.

I know where your star lands,
My dust will also settle.

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