Middle to East

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Aisha walked up to the stage, pulling her oxygen tank behind her. She trembled as she placed her frail body onto the desk chair, facing the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, thank you for joining me here today. It is with great honour and humility that I stand before you to share the last part of my autobiography, a journey that has traversed continents and defied the constraints of tradition. I'd like to thank the owners of our local bookstore for allowing me to share this final chapter of my autobiography with their wonderful community of customers and readers'; as without them this would not be possible".


Aisha cleared her throat and began.

"In the stifling heat of our hometown's narrow alleys, where tradition gripped like a vice, Leila's presence was a revelation. The air hung heavy with the scent of spices, mingling with the echoes of tradition that reverberated through the worn cobblestone streets. It was on one such scorching afternoon that Leila, with her fiery spirit and eyes ablaze with determination, emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of conformity.

Clad in vibrant hues that defied the muted tones of our surroundings, Leila was a vision of defiance amidst the stifling conformity of our hometown. From the moment our paths first crossed in those narrow alleys, there was an undeniable connection—a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of tradition and expectation.

Her laughter, like a beacon of light in the oppressive silence of our world, echoed through the labyrinthine streets, stirring something deep within my soul. With each step she took, it was as if the world around us shifted, revealing hidden paths and untold possibilities that beckoned us to explore.

As we stood amidst the maze of alleyways, our gazes locked in a silent exchange, I felt a spark ignite within me—a spark of defiance and liberation that had long been dormant. It was as if fate itself had conspired to bring us together, two souls destined to break free from the shackles of tradition and forge a new path forward, hand in hand. Our connection, though undeniable, was met with disapproval from our peers and families—a disapproval that only served to strengthen our resolve. With Leila by my side, I felt emboldened to defy the expectations that bound us, to seek a life beyond the suffocating embrace of tradition that threatened to stifle our dreams. And so, with Leila by my side, we embarked on a journey into the unknown—a journey that would take us from the familiar comforts of our homeland to the distant shores of Europe. With nothing but our dreams and aspirations to guide us, we set forth, leaving behind the suffocating embrace of tradition, in pursuit of a brighter future.

Our journey from the Middle East to Europe was a harrowing odyssey, fraught with peril and uncertainty at every turn. As we ventured forth into the unknown, leaving behind the familiar comforts of our homeland, we were met with a barrage of challenges that tested the very fabric of our resilience.

The first obstacle we encountered was the clandestine nature of our journey. In a world where borders were guarded with unwavering vigilance, our quest for freedom necessitated stealth and secrecy. We traversed treacherous terrain under the cover of darkness, relying on whispers and shadows to guide our path. Each step was a gamble, each moment filled with the palpable fear of discovery.

As we made our way through unfamiliar landscapes, we encountered a myriad of dangers—treacherous mountain passes, unforgiving deserts, and turbulent seas. We endured blistering heat and biting cold, our bodies pushed to the brink of exhaustion by the relentless march of time. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Leila remained a steadfast beacon of hope, her unwavering resolve providing solace in the face of adversity.

Our journey was not without its moments of despair. We faced countless setbacks—run-ins with border patrols, near-misses with hostile locals, and the constant threat of exploitation by unscrupulous smugglers. We endured cramped quarters and uncomfortable accommodations, often forced to hide in the shadows like ghosts, our existence reduced to whispers in the night.

But through it all, Leila's unwavering support sustained me, her belief in our shared destiny unwavering. Together, we weathered the storms of uncertainty, clinging to the hope that awaited us at the end of our pilgrimage—a future filled with promise and possibility, free from the shackles of oppression. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we arrived in Europe—a land of promise and opportunity, where acceptance and equality awaited. With Leila's hand in mine, we took our first steps onto European soil, feeling a sense of freedom and liberation wash over us." ...

"In the vibrant world of our new home, we discovered a sanctuary—a place where love knew no bounds and acceptance was not merely a dream, but a tangible reality. Together, we built a life for ourselves, stitching our hopes and aspirations into the fabric of our existence, each moment a testament to the resilience of our bond. As the years unfolded, our love only deepened, transcending the barriers of language and culture to unite us in a bond that was unbreakable. We became more than companions—we became partners in every sense of the word, bound by a shared vision of a future filled with love, equality, and acceptance.

But as fate would have it, our journey was not without its trials. When illness first reared its head, we refused to succumb to its relentless grip, clinging to the belief that together, we could overcome anything. Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, we were forced to confront the harsh reality of our mortality—a diagnosis that threatened to tear us apart." ...

"In the twilight of my days, as I lie upon this bed of transient mortality, I find solace in Leila's presence, in the shared memories of a journey that tested our strength and forged our bond. Though my body may falter and fade, our journey remains an indelible testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

As I commit these final words to paper, I do so with a profound sense of gratitude—for the journey that brought us together, for the obstacles that made us stronger, and for the love that illuminated even the darkest of nights. Though my time on this earth may be drawing to a close, our journey will endure—an eternal testament to the triumph of the human spirit and the enduring legacy of a bond that transcended borders and defied all odds."

Aishia bows her head, too weak to stand again just yet, she addresses the audience.

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me to share this journey with you. May we all find the courage to defy tradition, to forge our own paths, and to embrace the boundless possibilities that await".

Aisha sits calmly, the audience and press rush up to her, eager to ask questions. She smiles, takes her pen in hand, and looks across the room at Leila, who was watching with pride from the back of the room. Aisha knew that without Leila, this wouldn't be possible.

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