Lost and Gained.

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In shadows deep, where silence reigns, A tale unfolds of joys and pains. Where innocence, once held so tight, Was lost amid the darkest night.

A touch, a glance, a whispered word, A heart that fluttered, then it stirred. Desire surged, a tempest wild, In passions' grip, a trembling child.

From tender touch to fevered embrace, A journey made, a sacred space. Yet in the aftermath, a void, Where once was innocence, destroyed.

With every touch, a hunger grew, A thirst unquenched, a craving new. In search of solace, pleasure sought, But deeper still, the battle fought.

For though the body yearns for more, The soul cries out, its wounds to shore. In shadows deep, where echoes dwell, The heart still longs for what befell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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