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A few things to take note of:
Obviously I own nothing. My OC Olivia Sallow is the only thing I can take ownership of and even then she's roughly based on one part of my personality which I have my mother to thank for. Thanks mom.
All rights reserved to their respective parties.

There are a few things that had been added to the Wizarding World that you will notice.
1) Hogsmeade: several shops and cafe's have been added on
2) A large river now runs past Hogsmeade, it eventually feeds into the black lake. Its where many of the children of Hogsmeade families and students go to swim at during weekends (or during class if they skip).
3) There are several events that take place at Hogwarts as an attempt to distract students from the threats of ol' Voldy.
4) All house parties: Not accessible to students under fifth year
5) Interhouse slumber parties
6) The dorm rule has been changed slightly. The boys are allowed to go into the girls dorms but they have to be invited in. everytime.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.

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