Chapter 2: Train rides, love poems, and naps

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Sleep My Love

By Steven Christison

"Lay your head upon your pillow

The day has been difficult and tiring

For you are weary and exhausted

Close your eyes and softly sleep

Dream the dreams of the angels

Filled with beauty and with love

Visions of a place that is far away

Of a future filled with happiness

Enjoy the glorious feelings of love

Cocooned in your lovers arms

Holding you safe from all harm

Raising you up to the heavens

Welcome my love into your heart

As my lips kiss yours so tenderly

Let your soul sigh contentedly

My passionate love envelops you

When you awaken in the morning

Let the rainbow of life thrill you

As you think of your lover far away

Know that she is dreaming of you"

There were four seats to each table that made up the first class seating arrangements. Towards the front or back of the first class compartment were individual seats, though most of the students used a bit of extra space to stand around talking.

On one side sat Theodore Nott, cigarette in hand, window open as a stream of smoke seemed to endlessly roll out of his mouth. Theodore and Olivia were on good terms, shared enough classes together that the two could hold conversations. Theodore was often getting into trouble due to his smoking habit as he rarely cared when or where he sparked a cigarette, yet astonished Olivia with his knowledge anytime she needed assistance. It was undeniable that he was a genius.

Next to Theodore in the aisle seat was Blaise Zabini, he was a quiet young man, preferring to observe others rather than wasting his time trying to shelter any concern for another person's sensitive feelings. There was, however, an exception that Olivia had discovered the year prior. Blaise had a soft spot for Luna Lovegood, a dear friend to Olivia since their first year when the two had bonded over fairies. Once Olivia had become well acquainted with him, Blaise would appear as if by coincidence while Luna and Oliva were studying in the Library. he would always offer to join them using his connection to Olivia well to his advantage. He was kind and seemed to have endless patience whenever Luna went down the rabbit hole of strange knowledge. If anything he happily encouraged her to tell him more. Through helping him spend time with Luna organically, Blaise and Olivia had formed a friendship.

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