Chapter 5: A collection of Diary Entries

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'Dear Diary'

By Cheryl Aldea

Dear Diary....
this heart of mine is been confused
if it is love, infatuation or crush
he always in my thoughts all day and night
that keeps lingering on my mind

Dear diary....
here I' am smiling all alone
and thinking him all day long
and see him face closer to mine
walking hand and hand
talking laughing and feeling

Dear diary.....
I don't know what to do?
Tell me where do I start
I miss him each day of my life
can't explain this feeling I have
if it is madness... when it will last?

Dear diary....
I wonder what would happen next?
Song of my heart will be please
this feeling soon will reveal
a love I have been hidden and care about
Dear diary... tell me now

(Sep. 1991)

Dear Diary,

It's my first day of school! Real school, as mum says. Not just Auntie Molly and my cousins but with other students and classrooms, and Professors. Dad says I need to be careful around the headmaster but I'm not quite sure I understand why he said that diary... But I think it's just because the headmaster is very strict with Slytherins. I'm so excited to get sorted into Slytherin like mum and dad and grandpa! I'm just so excited! Mum gave me some galleons last night telling me to enjoy something off the train's trolley. I could hardly sleep! Well, mums calling me down for breakfast. I'll be sure to update you on the train!


Diary, someone bought the entire trolley apparently. Some of the muggleborn first years were worried they would get nothing because of it, but when they saw the trolley replenish itself they cheered like it was the best thing they'd ever seen. It was so funny. I've made friends with a girl I'm sitting with. Her name is Elizabeth but she told me to call her Lily. She didn't press me to talk about my parents when I told her my name. I hope we're sorted into the same house. I saw Auntie Molly before we got on the train, she was sending off Percy, the twins, and Ron. But there was another kid with them. I didn't recognize him. I'll have to ask Ron about it later. Oh some boy lost his toad on the train, can you believe that? I asked mum and dad about getting a pet and they said when I turn 16 they'd talk about it. I can wait. I'll update you once again before bed Diary.


Diary, I've been sorted into Hufflepuff house. I don't understand. Everyone except for Great grandma Anita was in Slytherin. I have to write owls to grandpa, mum and dad. I hope they aren't too disappointed. I'm roommates with Lily though! So that's nice, she also got sorted into Hufflepuff. I haven't met my other roommates yet, they've gone to sleep already. I know I'll just have to make the best of this. Who knows, I may actually like being a Hufflepuff. The castle is more amazing than I thought it would be. There are moving stairs and ghosts roaming the halls at all hours. There's portraits all over the walls, I've never seen so many enchanted portraits. I wonder how long it would take to speak to every one of them... I might have to try. We crossed the black lake in boats. Oh! Diary! I found out who the boy was that bought out the trolley! His name is Harry Potter. I've heard his last name before, I think from dad... I'll have to ask him about it in my letter diary. Anyway! The point is he and Draco Malfoy, we know the Malfoys, don't care for each other apparently. I wasn't really paying attention as to why but Ron seems to be quite chummy with Harry. The food was good but I miss mum's cooking. That's all for today, Diary. Good night. ~Oli

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