Chapter 4: Conversations interrupted

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– late night conversations –

@Butterflies Rising

"we're here with all this chemistry in our veins,

so let's stay up and talk about heaven,

and earth, and of your dreams,

and my dreams...

and maybe you could come closer

and show me love-colored things"

Dinner carried on as usual, the boys talking shit about the teams they would be facing in quidditch, the girls and occasionally Enzo gossiping about the first years and which families they were from. The only expectation to the norm was Olivia ignoring Mattheo, much to his dismay, in favor of talking to Pansy. She made it clear to him she was upset with his behavior. Olivia was instead talking about Ginny's idea for a girls sleepover, when it suddenly turned into the Slytherin's hosting said sleepover in their dorms. Tracey and Daphne were quick to agree with the idea of hosting and had set off to let the other girls know the plans, while Pansy had raced off to inform the professors of their plans. It was so fast that Olivia was the one left at the table warning the pack of boys, who were quick to make plans to impose themselves on the sleepover, they would sorely regret it if they tried.

"Listen to me you lot, I'm only saying this once. If any of you, " Olivia turned to glare at each of the boys, the longest stare landing on Mattheo.

He held his hands up and shrugged while asking, "What did I do??"

"You were the first to say you would crash their party." Blaise stated. Mattheo flipped him off in response.

"Any of you try to join us, I will personally kick your asses." Olivia finished as she pointed her glare at them all once more. Blaise simply nodded and carried on eating. He had seen first hand what Olivia was like when she was pissed.

Theo chortled. "You're gonna kick our asses?"

Olivia turned her glare on him, silencing his laughter.

Theo instead leaned over to Enzo, who sat on his right across from Olivia and whispered. "Is she serious? She's so tiny I can't tell..."

Enzo whispered back, "She's serious and she'll do it..." He shuddered dramatically for emphasis.

In response Theo asked in an even lower voice so only Enzo could hear him. "Is it weird if I think that'd be pretty hot?"

Enzo leaned away from him, giving him a concerned look. In his normal voice he asked, "What is wrong with you?"

"Obviously a lot." Theo muttered sarcastically as he turned his attention back to his food.

Satisfied with Theo's lack of response to her threat, Olivia had returned her attention to her dinner which happened to have been replenished with different foods. Olivia turned to look at Mattheo, very unamused. He had spent the last few minutes piling food onto her plate. She glared at him, and he smiled innocently back at her.

"You have your own plate." She told him.

Mattheo shrugged, batting puppy dog eyes at her. "Yours is better to eat off." He said sweetly.

"I would happily eat off your plate." Theo said, in turn Mattheo winked at him as Olivia rolled her eyes.

"It's the same plate." Olivia told Mattheo.

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