Chapter 11

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Sorry for the delay everyone


Seungkwan POV
After taking Mrs Lee and Mrs Choi back to their mansion we went home. I've felt like something or someone is following us when we were shopping at the mall.

"Kwan?"Renjun turned and looked at me

"Yeah Ren I know....something isn't right" I looked back at him

"Let's lay low for some days"He suggested

"But if we do that our dear boyfriends would suspect something is wrong" He added

"How about we take the companies biggest mission secretly? That could get us away" I said

"You mean Mission 187 in Paris ? Secretly? Well it's not a bad idea but we need to take the file from Mr.Choi and you know how much he doesn't want us to go since we are his best Assassins and he doesn't want us dead"He replied

"And as best Assassins we need to go and take that mission secretly" I said

"What about the guys?"He asked

"We're doing this to keep them safe. They'll be heartbroken for a moment but this is the only way to make sure whoever is watching us will not hurt their family and them" I said and a tear left my eyes

"Your right okay let's take the mission and leave for Paris"He said while tearing up too

"Hey wait now that I think about it we always running away from them"I chuckled

"Yeah it's kind of funny. Sigh I'm gonna miss them "He said

"C'mon let's go changed to something dark and we need to wear our masks"I said

Both of us got ready

3rd Person POV

"Let's go" Seungkwan said

Renjun nodded and both of them ride their sport bikes to the company

When they arrived there are only few peoples left in the company and since it's Midnight already Mr.Choi went home early.

Both of them sneaked in the company like the professional Assassins themselves and went straight to Mr Choi's office.

"I can't belive we made it here"Renjun whispered

"Ren we are Assassins you better belive it. Now c'mon let's fine the file" Seungkwan said

"Already found it"Renjun said holding the file

"How did you-"Seungkwang got cutted off

"I am literally the one who organised the files for Mr Choi. Duh" Renjun said with a 'Duh face'

"Okay now put the copy decoy file in the drawer so Mr Choi won't be worried about us"Seungkwan said and Renjun placed the decoy back in

"Done. C'mon let's go" He said

Then they left without being caught

《Back at the villa》

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | Seungkwan CentricWhere stories live. Discover now