Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

The 3rd Day Of Training

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Lily stood at the edge of the training grounds, her eyes focused and determined. Today is her third day of training.

Seungkwan and Renjun stood before her, their expressions are serious and intent as they prepared to impart their wisdom once more. They knew that today's lesson would also test her adaptability and versatility in the face of ever-changing circumstances.

"Today, you will learn the importance of versatility," Renjun began, his voice commanding the attention of all who stood before him

"In our line of work, you must be prepared for anything-whether it be a stealthy infiltration, a high-stakes negotiation, or a brutal confrontation. You must be able to adapt to any situation, to think on your feet and change tactics at a moment's notice."Lily nodded, her eyes bright with anticipation as she listened to Seungkwan's words.

She was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to prove herself worthy of the title of assassin. Seungkwan again stepped forward, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "Your task today is simple," he said, his voice tinged with challenge. "You must navigate the training grounds and complete a series of tasks designed to test your versatility in combat, stealth, and negotiation."With a silent nod, Lily set off into the training grounds, her senses on high alert as she prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The first task was a test of stealth, requiring her to hide herself with a disguise. She can hide anywhere she wants in the training grounds but there's only one rule.

She would need to hide in plain sight, blending seamlessly into her surroundings without being detected by Seungkwan and Renjun's robo-guards.With a determined expression on her face, Lily surveyed the training grounds, searching for the perfect spot to conceal herself.

She needed somewhere that would provide ample cover while still allowing her to keep an eye on her surroundings.Her gaze fell upon a bustling marketplace at the center of the grounds, where vendors hawked their wares and crowds of people bustled about, their voices blending together in a cacophony of sound.

It was the perfect place to disappear, to become just another face in the crowd.Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Lily slipped into the throng of people, her movements fluid and purposeful as she wove her way through the crowd.

She kept her head down, her hood pulled low over her eyes, and her hands tucked into the pockets of her cloak, blending seamlessly into the sea of humanity around her.As she moved through the marketplace, Lily's senses were on high alert, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of danger. She knew that Seungkwan and Renjun's robo-guards would be watching, waiting for the slightest slip-up that would betray her presence.

But Lily was determined not to give them the satisfaction. She moved with the stealth of a shadow, slipping between vendors and ducking behind stalls with the grace and precision of a seasoned spy.Minutes turned into hours as Emily remained hidden in plain sight, her senses sharp and her nerves stretched taut with anticipation.

As the sun began to sink below the horizon and the crowds began to thin, Lily knew that she had succeeded in her task.Emerging from her hiding place, she made her way back to Seungkwan and Renjun, with a triumphant smile on her face.

"So how did I do oppas?"

"As expected sis you did great on your first task. Now it's time for the second task"

The second task was a test of combat, As Lily braced herself for the next challenge, her eyes fell upon a pair of imposing robo-guards stationed at the far end of the training grounds. Their mechanical forms bristled with weaponry, their glowing red eyes fixated on her with cold indifference.

This the test of Lily's combat skills. But there was a twist-Lily would have to face the robo-guards unarmed, relying solely on her wits and agility to overcome the formidable adversaries.

With a steely resolve, Lily squared her shoulders and approached the robo-guards, her hands raised in a defensive stance. She knew that brute force alone would not be enough to defeat them, but she was determined to prove herself worthy of the title of assassin.

The robo-guards sprang into action, their mechanical limbs whirring to life as they launched a barrage of attacks at Lily. But she was ready for them, her movements fluid and precise as she dodged and weaved through their onslaught with the grace of a dancer.

With each passing moment, Lily studied her opponents, searching for weaknesses and vulnerabilities that she could exploit to her advantage. She ducked under a sweeping blow, somersaulted over a barrage of gunfire, and sidestepped a crushing blow from one of the robo-guards' massive fists.

But despite her best efforts, the robo-guards seemed impervious to her attacks, their armored forms deflecting every blow with ease. Lily's frustration grew with each failed attempt, her breath coming in ragged gasps as exhaustion began to set in.

But just when it seemed that all hope was lost, Lily spotted a small panel on the back of one of the robo-guards, its surface pockmarked with bullet holes from a previous encounter. With a surge of adrenaline, she darted forward and delivered a series of well-placed strikes to the panel, causing it to short-circuit and collapse to the ground in a heap of twisted metal.

With one opponent down, Lily turned her attention to the remaining robo-guard, her determination renewed as she launched herself into the fray once more. She ducked and dodged, weaving her way through its attacks with a speed and agility that belied her exhaustion.

And then, with a final, well-timed strike, Lily disabled the second robo-guard, its mechanical form collapsing to the ground in a heap of broken machinery.As she stood there, panting and bruised but victorious

As she was laying on the floor Seungkwan and Renjun came to her.

"Wow sis I didn't expect you to see those small panels on the robo-guards. I thought I already made them hidden" Seungkwan pouted

"Well guess you need to work on it Kwan. Now sis it's time for your last task for today. The test of negotiation"

And finally, the third task was a test of negotiation, requiring to negotiate with the two brothers themselves. Seungkwan and Renjun regarded her with serious expressions, knowing that this test would push Lily to her limits in a way that none before had.

They were prepared to challenge her, to see if she could navigate the delicate dance of diplomacy and come out on top.

"Your task today is to negotiate with us," Seungkwan began, his voice steady and commanding. "You must convince us to share crucial information with you, information that could mean the difference between success and failure on your next training session."

Lily nodded, her mind already racing with possibilities. She knew that this would be her greatest challenge yet, but she was determined to succeed.

With a deep breath, Lily launched into her pitch, laying out her arguments with conviction and clarity. She appealed to Seungkwan and Renjun's sense of duty, reminding them of the importance of cooperation and trust within their team.

But Seungkwan and Renjun were not easily swayed. They countered her arguments with skepticism, questioning her motives and challenging her assumptions at every turn.

Undeterred, Lily adjusted her approach, shifting tactics in response to their objections. She appealed to their emotions, sharing personal anecdotes and heartfelt pleas in an effort to win them over.

And slowly, but surely, her efforts began to pay off. Seungkwan and Renjun's expressions softened, their resistance crumbling in the face of Lily's unwavering determination.

At last, with a final, impassioned plea, Lily succeeded in convincing them to share the information she sought.

"Now oppas what's the information about my next training?"

"Well sis tomorrow you no longer have training"

"What?! Why?!"

"Because you'll start your first day of college"

To be continued

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | Seungkwan CentricDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora