Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV

The 2nd Day Of Training

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Lily stood at the edge of the clearing, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Today is her second training day, and the lesson ahead promised to test not only her physical skills but also her ability to think on her feet and outwit her opponents.

Seungkwan and Renjun watched from the sidelines, their expressions unreadable as they observed their sister.

They had seen glimpses of Lily's potential in the days since she had joined them especially her observation skills, but now it was time to see if she truly possessed the cunning necessary to survive in their world.

"Your task today is simple," Renjun said, his voice low and commanding. "You must retrieve the key to the locked chest at the center of the clearing without being detected by our robo-guards."

"But be warned, they are masters of deception, build to see through even the cleverest of ruses."Seungkwan warned her

Lily nodded, her eyes narrowed in determination as she surveyed the obstacles that lay before her. The clearing was filled with hidden pitfalls, and lurking in the shadows were Seungkwan and Renjun's most skilled robo-guards, build to detect even the slightest hint of movement.

With a deep breath, Lily steeled herself for the challenge ahead. She knew that brute force alone would not be enough to overcome her adversaries. She would need to rely on her wits, her intuition, and above all, her ability to outmaneuver her opponents with cunning and guile.

As she slipped into the shadows, moving with the stealth of a hunting cat, Lily's mind raced, analyzing every angle, every potential obstacle. She ducked behind bushes, scaled walls, and traversed rooftops with the grace of a seasoned acrobat, always staying one step ahead of her pursuers.

She was about to pass through the obstacles but suddenly she stepped on something that triggered the Laser field. Now she has to get pass it without triggering any of it.

With a deep breath, Lily stepped forward, her eyes fixed on the shifting patterns of light before her. She knew that one wrong move could mean disaster, but she was determined to succeed.

With the skill and precision of a master thief, Lily began to navigate the maze of lasers, ducking and weaving with the grace of a dancer. She moved with the fluidity of water, her movements calculated and deliberate as she edged closer to her goal.

But the laser field was unforgiving, its beams dancing and shifting with each passing moment. Lily's heart pounded in her chest as she narrowly avoided a near-miss, the air crackling with tension as she pressed on.

As each passing moment, Lily's nerves stretched taut with anticipation, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she dodged and weaved through the deadly maze. But she refused to give up, her determination driving her forward even as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lily reached the other side of the laser field, her body trembling with exertion but her spirit soaring with happiness.

She is almost there but she needs to past two giant robo-guards that are guarding the chest with tight security. One wrong move and she's caught.

As Seungkwan and Renjun watched from the shadows, their expressions tense with anticipation. This was the moment of truth, the ultimate test of Lily's cunning and skill.With a deep breath, Lily steadied herself, her mind racing as she formulated a plan.

She knew that brute force would be useless against the robo-guards they were too powerful, too well-armed to be taken down by conventional means.

But Lily was not one to back down from a challenge. She had faced impossible odds before and emerged victorious, and she was determined to do the same now.

With a silent prayer to whatever gods might be listening, Lily sprang into action, darting from shadow to shadow with the speed and agility of a panther. The robo-guards' sensors whirred to life as they detected her presence, their metal fists clenched in readiness to strike.

But Lily was one step ahead, her movements fluid and unpredictable as she danced around their blows, her dagger flashing in the moonlight as she struck with deadly precision.

With each blow, she chipped away at their defenses, exploiting weaknesses and vulnerabilities that only a trained assassin could see.And then, with a final, well-placed strike, Lily disabled the robo-guards, their mechanical forms crumbling to the ground in a heap of twisted metal and wires.

She is just inches away to succeed but as she reached the chest and laid her hand on the key, a sharp whistle pierced the air, signaling that she had been discovered. With a curse, Lily spun around to face her attacker, her dagger at the ready.

But to her surprise, it was not one of Seungkwan and Renjun's robo-guards who stood before her, but Seungkwan himself, a proud smile on his face.

"Well done, sis," he said, his voice tinged with admiration. "You have proven yourself to be as cunning as any assassin I've ever known."

"You see Ren I told you she'll pass"Seungkwan said with a proud smile

Renjun scoffed "Tch I already know that Kwan" Renjun turned to Lily with a smile "I didn't doubt her one bit"

"Thanks oppas, for believing in me"

"No sis, you were the one who believed in yourself"

"Okay enough of that now shall we go home. I really want to have some popcorn and movies now"

"Oppa can I join?"

"Ofcourse, how could I not let my dearest sister join" Seungkwan said as he got in the car

"Yay, then Renjun oppa can I?. Please?"

Renjun sigh and said "Fine but don't stay awake for too long you still need some rest for your training tomorrow and Kwan I don't want you giving her any sugar before bed especially on that homemade extra-sugar-butter popcorn of yours"

"Fine guess I'll cook the boring way then" Seungkwan pouted and got in the car

To be continued

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | Seungkwan CentricWhere stories live. Discover now