Chapter 3 : Campus Days

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In the bustling atmosphere of the college campus, Mira and Selena strolled around, taking in the vibrant energy of the students around them. As they walked, their attention was drawn to a familiar scene—a charismatic young man surrounded by an adoring crowd. It was Asher, just like back in high school, continuing his reign as the popular guy.

Their attention shifted as a friendly voice called out to Selena. "Hey Selena!" Turning, Selena greeted the source of the voice with a smile. "Hey Violet." Introductions followed, with Selena introducing Mira and Violet to each other, a camaraderie forming almost instantly.

As the trio chatted, they happened upon a poster displaying the top individuals on campus. No surprise, Asher occupied the coveted number 1 spot, his charisma and charm undoubtedly contributing to his continued popularity. Beside him was Felix, securing the number 2 position. It seemed some things remained constant over time.

Just then, Myles, a jovial classmate, joined their little group. With a mischievous grin, he remarked about the abundance of attractive girls on campus. As if on cue, Violet excused herself, leaving Mira and Selena momentarily. Sensing an opportunity, Mira approached Violet. "Please take care of Selena," she whispered, her concern evident.

Meanwhile, Selena, ever the curious one, had vanished from sight and was now covertly hidden among the bushes. With a determined gaze, she observed Asher from a distance, noting the swarm of girls vying for his attention. Among the throng of admirers, she began to tread closer. However, her movement was abruptly halted when she collided with a man.

Startled, Selena stumbled back slightly, and the man regarded her with amusement. "Should I give you my number? You're the 5th one today that tried to bump into me to get my contact number." His playful tone indicated he had caught onto the pattern. Selena attempted to deny it, stammering slightly, but the man saw through her response. With a lighthearted smile, he proposed an alternative. "Why not come to a matchmaking party? Might be a more direct approach."

Meanwhile, Selena found herself sharing lunch with Violet. The casual conversation flowed between them, offering a sense of comfort amidst the campus chaos. Their reprieve, however, was short-lived. A group of girls approached Selena, their curiosity evident. "Have you ever talked to Asher?" they inquired, seemingly unaware of a certain detail. Unbeknownst to them, Asher and Selena were, in fact, dating.

Seizing the opportunity to defend her friend and have a little fun, Violet's voice rang out, filled with righteous indignation. "They're dating!" she proclaimed, her words echoing across the lunchroom. The declaration sent ripples of laughter through the crowd.

After his hasty escape from the crowd of admiring girls, Asher found solace in a quiet corner to finally enjoy his lunch. However, his moment of respite was short-lived. Just as he took his first bite, a group of enthusiastic girls managed to track him down, causing him to startle and drop his food in the process. Frustration boiled over, and he couldn't help but yell at the encroaching crowd.

In the midst of Asher's annoyance, the same man who had playfully bumped into Selena earlier appeared on the scene. He stepped forward, a calm and composed presence amid the commotion. "Sorry, it's my fault that he's in a bad mood, so excuse him," he offered, diffusing the situation. The girls took heed of his words and retreated, giving Asher some much-needed breathing room.

As the girls dispersed, the distant sounds of other girls still on the hunt for Asher reached his ears. Realizing that staying put would likely lead to more of the same, he made a snap decision to leave his current hiding spot and find a new one. Unbeknownst to him, the enigmatic stranger who had previously intervened was now at his side, ready to lend a hand once more.

With a subtle gesture, the mysterious man motioned for Asher to follow him. They navigated through the campus until they arrived at an unexpected destination—a laboratory filled with busy scientists and advanced equipment. Here, Asher could eat his lunch in peace and privacy, far away from the eager gazes of his numerous admirers.

As Asher settled in, an unexpected event unfolded before his eyes. A seemingly random lady suddenly leaped up in a fit of enthusiasm before abruptly falling into slumber. Confusion mixed with surprise played across Asher's features as he tried to make sense of the bizarre display.

Seeing Asher's bewilderment, the man who had guided him offered an explanation with an air of nonchalance. "Don't worry, she always does that," he reassured Asher, as if such eccentricities were a normal occurrence in this place.

Amid the unconventional backdrop, the man finally introduced himself. "I'm Samuel," he said with a friendly smile, bridging the gap between their roles as mere strangers. His calm demeanor and willingness to help in seemingly unusual ways intrigued Asher, creating a sense of camaraderie despite the circumstances.

As the sun made its gradual descent, Selena decided to surprise Asher by preparing a meal at his apartment. She put her culinary skills to work, ensuring a delicious spread awaited him when he returned. Soon enough, Asher walked in, his presence accompanied by an unexpected guest. "Hey Selena, hope you don't mind, I brought a friend," he informed her with a grin.

To Selena's astonishment, the friend in question turned out to be none other than Samuel—the same enigmatic man she had encountered earlier. Shock registered on their faces as their paths crossed once more, this time in the familiarity of Asher's living space. Despite the surprise, they managed polite smiles and pleasantries.

The trio settled down to enjoy the meal Selena had lovingly prepared. Conversation flowed, with Asher acting as the mediator between the somewhat bickering Selena and Samuel. The dynamics were intriguing, their differing personalities creating a curious harmony as they shared stories and anecdotes.

As minutes turned into moments, Asher interjected, suggesting that Selena should head back to her apartment next door. She felt a twinge of annoyance at being dismissed but complied, leaving the two men to continue their conversation. Selena's departure was accompanied by a mix of emotions—curiosity about what they would discuss in her absence and a hint of resentment for being ushered out.

Once outside, Selena decided to distract herself by heading to the store. However, her outing took an unexpected turn when she tripped and stumbled. As she grappled to regain her balance, a familiar face appeared—the ever-charming Felix, accompanied by his sports team and their manager, Victoria.

Felix's team manager extended a helping hand, aiding Selena to stand upright. Gratitude mixed with surprise as Selena recognized Felix. They engaged in conversation, and the team manager, Victoria, chimed in to inform Selena that they were heading to a restaurant.

As the conversation progressed, Victoria couldn't help but ask the question that hung in the air. "She's your girlfriend?" she inquired, glancing between Felix and Selena. Felix's response was swift, a mixture of honesty and longing. "No. Someone I wanted to be my girlfriend." The manager's face betrayed a hint of sadness, a fleeting glimpse into her own feelings, before Felix dashed off to rejoin his team.

With a sense of both bewilderment and a new connection, Selena returned to her apartment. As she prepared for bed, her mind replayed the events of the day—the unexpected encounter with Samuel, the dinner conversation with Asher and him, and her serendipitous meeting with Felix.

The day had been a whirlwind of emotions, surprising connections, and shifting dynamics. In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Selena contemplated the choices she had made and the people who had come into her life. 

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