Chapter 11 : Gifts

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As the evening settled in, Selena, Violet, and Mira gathered at Selena's place, sharing a cozy hangout session. The main topic of conversation revolved around Selena's mission to find the perfect gift for Asher. She was determined to make his upcoming birthday a memorable one and had been meticulously planning for the occasion.

With enthusiasm, Selena shared her plans and ideas with her friends, displaying her vision for the celebration and detailing the delicious meal she intended to prepare for Asher. Mira and Violet listened attentively, impressed by Selena's dedication and thoughtfulness.

As the night wore on, Mira and Violet eventually decided to head home. As they left Selena's place, they coincidentally saw Asher entering his own apartment building. Curiosity got the best of them, and they couldn't resist asking him a question. "Did you happen to hear our conversation just now, about my birthday?" they inquired, wondering if they had accidentally spoiled the surprise.

Asher, with a mischievous smile, responded, "About my birthday?" He was aware of Selena's efforts to keep the celebration a secret, and he didn't want to give away any hints.

Mira quickly jumped in to clarify, explaining that Selena was putting in an incredible amount of work to make the day special and wanted it to be a surprise. With this reassurance, Asher entered his apartment, leaving Mira and Violet feeling relieved that the surprise remained intact.

Later that day, Asher found himself at Selena's place, seeking the comfort of her company and the simple pleasure of watching TV together. Selena, however, had other things on her mind. She was situated on the other side of the room, deep in thought as she contemplated the ideal gift for Asher.

Unbeknownst to Asher, a small paper had fallen from Selena's cluttered workspace. When he picked it up and glanced at it, he quickly realized it was related to his birthday. Knowing how much effort Selena was putting into the surprise, he decided to keep it to himself, determined not to spoil the surprise or let Selena know he had discovered it.

Meanwhile, Selena was engrossed in her task, firing a barrage of questions at Asher in her quest to discern his preferences. She asked about his hobbies, his favorite books, movies, and even his fondest childhood memories. Each question was a piece of the puzzle, helping her unravel the mystery of the perfect gift.

Asher played along, answering her inquiries with enthusiasm and a sense of amusement. He admired Selena's dedication to making his birthday special and wanted to see her efforts come to fruition. As the questions continued, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that the surprise she was planning would undoubtedly be a memorable and cherished moment in their relationship.

Samuel found himself at the lab, sharing a few moments of laughter and light-hearted conversation with Amelia. He was in high spirits, his laughter echoing through the room as they talked. Amelia, however, noticed a certain look in his eyes, a kind of guarded expression that hinted at something more beneath the surface.

"You have that look too, huh?" Amelia remarked, choosing to change the direction of their conversation. She sensed that Samuel was keeping something to himself, and perhaps it was time to address it.

After a while, Samuel decided to leave the lab, and Amelia followed him, determined to get to the bottom of his behavior. She confronted him with a direct question, "Are you going to keep acting like this?"

Samuel, fully aware of what Amelia was referring to, feigned innocence, responding with a hint of amusement, "What are you talking about?" He hoped to divert the conversation away from the topic that weighed heavily on his mind.

Amelia wasn't one to be easily deterred. She decided to lay her cards on the table, confessing her own feelings, "Well... it's because I think I caught feelings for Asher."

Samuel's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice as he responded, "There's no way I would go after a friend's girlfriend. And those two aren't going to break up. It would be wise of you to just step back before it's too late."

Amelia, growing increasingly frustrated with Samuel's dismissive tone, retorted, "I would rather face it now and regret it later on than do nothing and regret it."

With those words hanging in the air, Samuel was left without a response. He knew the complexities of the situation, the unspoken boundaries of friendship and love. Unsure of how to navigate the newfound tension between them, he chose to exit the conversation and leave Amelia to grapple with her feelings.

Meanwhile, Selena was at home, fully immersed in preparations for Asher's upcoming birthday celebration. She poured her heart and soul into planning everything, from the decorations to the meal. The effort she put into making the day special for him was a testament to the depth of her feelings.

However, as the hours passed and her meticulous planning continued, Selena's exhaustion caught up with her. She had done so much that she unintentionally fell asleep, surrounded by the decorations and the lovingly prepared surprises for Asher. Her dreams were filled with thoughts of the joy she hoped to bring to him on his special day, unaware of the challenges and emotions that lay ahead.

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