Chapter 8 : Confrontations

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The next day, Selena and Asher found themselves having lunch together as they often did. Unbeknownst to them, Felix noticed their friendly gathering and decided to join them. As they chatted and enjoyed their meal, Victoria observed from a distance, intrigued by the interactions between Felix and Selena. Eventually, curiosity got the better of her, and she walked over to their table to join the conversation. After a few minutes passing Samuel comes over and joins

With a warm smile, Victoria joined the group. As introductions were made, she couldn't help but be direct about her inquiries. "So, Felix," she began, "what were you like in high school? Do you have a girlfriend?" Her questions hung in the air, and Felix, a bit taken aback, replied, "No, I was really focused on my studies and sports back then." Victoria, undeterred, probed further, "Did you three hang out a lot during high school, considering how close you, Selena, and Asher are now?" Felix hesitated for a moment before responding, "Not really... there were a lot of reasons." Victoria raised an eyebrow, her tone filled with curiosity, "A lot of reasons? You mean, you had feelings for Selena?" The question hung in the air, creating a moment of tension in their otherwise friendly lunch gathering.

As Felix attempted to laugh off Victoria's pointed question, he quickly added, "I mean, yeah, but she turned me down." However, his attempt at humor fell flat, as Victoria appeared visibly hurt and abruptly got up to leave. Realizing he had unintentionally caused discomfort, Felix hurriedly followed her, concerned by her reaction. "Victoria, why would you do that?" he implored. "You saw how uncomfortable Selena was; you shouldn't do things like that." He tried to convey his genuine concern for their group's harmony and the awkward situation that had unfolded.

Meanwhile, some time passed, and the lunch gathering came to an end. Outside, Victoria unexpectedly bumped into Samuel. The topic of their conversation inevitably gravitated toward the lunch incident. Samuel, trying to provide some perspective, remarked, "Well, it seems like Felix has no idea about your feelings." However, this comment seemed to irritate Victoria, and she walked off, clearly frustrated by the situation.

Later that day, as Asher left work, he coincidentally encountered Samuel. Concerned about Selena's well-being and aware of Samuel's connection to her, Asher earnestly said, "Please take care of her. You work with her now, right?" His words carried a sense of genuine worry for Selena, hoping that someone could offer her support during this delicate time.

Selena was having a typical day at work, unaware that her actions were causing a bit of a mess around her. It wasn't intentional, but things just seemed to disarray in her presence, and her colleague, Samuel, often found himself picking up after her, trying to maintain order in the workplace.

As the day unfolded, Victoria entered, not realizing that Selena and Samuel were the workers. She explained to them that she was on a mission to find the perfect gift for someone special, seeking assistance or advice. Little did she know that her encounter with Selena and Samuel at work would later lead to more interactions outside the office.

At the end of their workday, Selena and Samuel bid farewell to their coworkers and headed home, leaving behind the workplace and its daily drama. Little did they know that their lives would soon become entwined in unexpected ways, not just through work but through the connections they were about to forge beyond the walls of work

As the day turned into night, Victoria and Felix found themselves taking a leisurely walk together. However, there was an unusual silence hanging between them, prompting Felix to express his concern. "What's wrong, Victoria? You're unusually quiet," he inquired, genuine curiosity in his voice.

Victoria hesitated for a moment before sharing her thoughts. "Selena is a strange girl, isn't she?" she mused, her words carrying a hint of bewilderment. It was clear that the events of the recent past had left her pondering Selena's personality and actions.

Felix, though surprised by the topic, decided to be candid. "Well, it's the same reason why I liked her," he admitted with a thoughtful tone. "I always wanted to be by her side."

Their exchange offered a glimpse into the complexities of their feelings and the intricacies of their relationships. Afterward, they parted ways, each lost in their own thoughts. Victoria, clutching the gift in her bag that she had purchased, carried with her a sense of introspection and perhaps a newfound understanding of the intricate web of emotions that entangled their lives.

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