Chapter 15 : Trip

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As the weekend arrived, Samuel found himself behind the wheel, driving everyone to their destination. Excitement filled the air as they reached the spot, where a couple's competition was taking place. Couples had a chance to win a prize, and coincidentally, when Samuel and Selena walked up together, the workers assumed they were a couple and awarded them the prize: a generous amount of high-quality meat. Selena immediately thought of Asher and wanted to bring it back for him.

Meanwhile, Asher and his boss had left the lecture and headed to the same location. Upon their arrival, Asher couldn't help but notice a poster featuring Selena and Samuel together, proudly displaying their prize. Curiosity piqued, he decided to inquire further.

While Selena ventured to the beach to collect some shells, Samuel followed her. The rest of the group, spotting Amelia and Asher, informed them, "Selena went to the beach with Samuel." Concerned, Asher headed towards the beach, only to witness Selena and Samuel playfully running around together. He watched silently for a moment before turning to walk away.

Selena, noticing Asher's departure, chased after him, wondering if the lecture had finished early. She tried to engage him in conversation, mentioning the meat they had won, but Asher's response left her perplexed.

"That's all you have to tell me?" he asked, his tone tinged with frustration.

Selena, confused, responded, "What? You've been acting weird, Asher."

"Yeah, which one of us is really the strange one," Asher replied cryptically before walking away, leaving Selena standing there, bewildered and troubled by the growing distance between them.

The situation had grown increasingly complicated and tense. Selena, desperate to mend the growing rift between her and Asher, sought Violet's assistance in tricking Asher into coming to a nearby cabin. Violet played her part, and Asher eventually ended up walking in that direction, passing Samuel along the way.

Asher asked Samuel to grab some belongings that Violet needed, a request that Samuel accepted. However, when Asher returned to the group, Myles couldn't help but notice his unusual behavior, particularly in his interactions with Selena.

"In high school, it was one thing, but now things are different," Asher began, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and confusion. "Our worlds are bigger, our surroundings change, we meet a lot of people, and people's feelings change too, don't they?"

Meanwhile, Samuel reached the cabin and found Selena inside, realizing that she had been waiting for Asher. He offered to go get Asher for her, but Selena insisted she would handle it herself. Then, a shocking revelation came to light.

"I'm sorry, Selena. You guys have been fighting because I kissed you, right?" Samuel confessed. "He told me he wanted you to tell him."

Selena was taken aback by this revelation. "What... What are you talking about? Asher knows about the kiss?" she asked, her confusion deepening.

Samuel explained, "Isn't that why you guys have been fighting?"

"No... I haven't told him yet. What does this mean, Samuel?" Selena inquired, her anxiety growing.

"Well.... he heard us talking about it in school. I'm sorry, I thought you told him already," Samuel admitted, realization dawning on him.

As Violet informed Asher that Selena was waiting for him in the cabin, Selena, overwhelmed by the emotional turmoil, tried to leave but ended up tripping. Samuel rushed to help her up, just as Asher opened the cabin door, revealing Selena and Samuel together. Asher said nothing and walked away, leaving Selena and Samuel in a state of shock, uncertain about the future of their relationships and the unspoken feelings that continued to haunt them.

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