Chapter 4 : New Friend

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Violet had been talking about the matchmaking party for a bit, her excitement palpable with every mention of it. Selena, her closest friend, couldn't help but be caught up in her enthusiasm. It was supposed to be a fun and lighthearted event, a chance for people to meet new faces and potentially find a connection. Selena secretly harbored the hope that Asher, the guy she had been crushing on for a while, would attend as well.

The atmosphere inside was nothing short of electric, a swirl of colors and laughter that filled the room. The organizers had gone all out, adorning the space with vibrant decorations that seemed to mirror the enthusiasm of the attendees. Balloons in every shade imaginable adorned the walls, while fairy lights cast a warm and inviting glow over the gathering.

Couples' games were in full swing, generating both hilarity and a touch of chaos as participants threw themselves into the matchmaking spirit. Laughter echoed off the walls as strangers turned partners navigated blindfolded obstacle courses, and elaborate dances ensued to the delight of the onlookers. The energy was infectious, prompting even the shyest of guests to let loose and join in the revelry.

In the midst of the merriment, as the games grew more outrageous by the minute, the entrance swung open dramatically, drawing the attention of the room. Samuel and Asher walked in, their arrival bringing a fresh wave of excitement to the already animated crowd. Selena's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Asher, her eyes locking onto his figure as if drawn by an invisible force.

However, her elation was short-lived. As Asher's presence became apparent, so did the attention of several girls who seemed magnetically drawn to him. A pang of disappointment pierced through Selena's excitement, and her hopes of the night taking a romantic turn seemed to crumble. It appeared that Asher had come to the party with a different agenda, one focused on having a good time rather than pursuing any deeper connections.

Selena couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she observed the group of girls trying to engage Asher in conversation. Her initial enthusiasm waned, replaced by a sense of self-doubt. She questioned whether she stood a chance against the throng of attention Asher was receiving from the other attendees. The spark of hope she had held onto dimmed as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes.

Despite the initial disappointment, Selena forced a smile, reminding herself that the night was meant to be about fun and new experiences. She nudged Violet playfully and gestured toward the ongoing couples' games, determined to immerse themselves fully in the event. As they joined the festivities, Selena made a conscious effort to push aside her feelings of insecurity and embrace the lively atmosphere around her.

Little did she know that the night was far from over, and unexpected twists were waiting just around the corner. The matchmaking party, with all its vibrant chaos and unpredictable moments, was about to set in motion a series of events that would lead Selena down a path she had never anticipated.

Just as the party was in full swing and the games were becoming increasingly outrageous, the door swung open, revealing Samuel and Asher. Selena's heart fluttered at the sight of Asher, but it quickly sank as she noticed a gaggle of girls gravitating toward him. Her hopes were dashed; it seemed Asher had come without the intent of pursuing anything more than a good time. Selena started getting anxious with all the girls surrounding him and he hasn't made eye contact a single time with her.

Among the boisterous crowd, a guy at the party had taken a keen interest in Selena. His advances grew bolder as the night progressed, and he eventually attempted to steal a kiss. Selena felt her anxiety skyrocket, her discomfort palpable. But just as the situation was becoming overwhelming, Asher suddenly stood up, a determined expression on his face that silenced the room.

"She's my girlfriend," Asher's voice rang out confidently, cutting through the tension. He strode over to Selena, his eyes locked onto hers, and gently took her hand. Selena's heart skipped a beat at his words and his protective gesture. The guy who had made the unwanted advance quickly backed away, cowed by Asher's assertiveness.

"Well that's too bad, I secretly wanted to make a move on her" Samuel says laughing.

As they retreated from the crowd, Asher questioned Selena, his voice laced with concern. Unbeknownst to him, a hint of jealousy tinged his words. Selena explained the uncomfortable encounter, and Asher's grip on her hand tightened reflexively. He couldn't quite shake the possessive feeling that surged within him, though he didn't fully understand its source.

The night wasn't quite over yet. As they reached the entrance of their respective apartments, their gazes lingered on each other. Without a word, Asher gently tugged on Selena's arm, drawing her into an embrace. Selena's heart raced, the closeness between them filling her with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

In an unexpected turn of events, just as Asher's arms enveloped Selena, Samuel appeared seemingly out of nowhere. His eyebrow raised playfully as he caught them in this intimate moment. Selena blushed, feeling caught off guard, but before she could fully react, Asher pulled her even closer, his expression unwavering.

There was a playful yet genuine tone to his words, asserting his claim on Selena in a way that made her heart skip a beat once again.

With the moment broken, Selena retreated into her apartment, her cheeks still flushed. Asher lingered at the threshold, offering Samuel a friendly smile. "It's getting late. If you want, you can crash here tonight," he suggested. Samuel nodded in agreement, and the two friends settled in for the rest of the evening, their camaraderie as strong as ever.

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