Chapter 14 : Confessions

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The next morning, exhaustion weighed heavily on Samuel, Selena, Asher, and Victoria, but they had finally completed their task. Meanwhile, Amelia woke up suddenly, realizing she was late for whatever plans she had. Victoria, after leaving Selena's place earlier, met up with Felix and the rest of the sports team, holding a bag filled with hand-stitched name tags.

Felix noticed Victoria and stepped away from the team to talk to her. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage.

"Hey, Felix... I'm only here to tell you that I like you. I always have," she confessed with sincerity.

Felix stared at her for a moment, his expression pensive. "I'm sorry, I..."

Victoria cut him off gently, "No, don't worry, I understand. Don't apologize, please. But I do need one favor. I want us to still be able to talk every day and goof around and stay good friends."

Felix nodded, offering reassurance. "Yeah, of course, Victoria."

Victoria handed Felix the bag with the name tags and asked him to distribute them to the team. As she turned to walk away, he ran to catch up to her, stopping her in her tracks.

Victoria turned to face him, her tears flowing. "How? How can you be friends with Selena? I'll never be strong like that. But it doesn't seem like I'll be able to stay friends with you. I'm sorry."

With those words, Victoria walked away, leaving Felix standing there, watching her disappear into the distance. The weight of their unspoken feelings hung heavily in the air, leaving both of them with a profound sense of longing and regret.

As Selena sat in a daze, her thoughts adrift, Asher noticed her distant demeanor and couldn't help but express his concern. He leaned in and asked if she was okay, sensing that something was amiss. Selena, attempting to maintain a facade of normalcy, brushed off Asher's concerns and headed off to school, all the while struggling to mask her inner turmoil.

Inside the classroom, Selena took her seat, hoping to find some solace in the mundane routine of the day. However, her sanctuary was disrupted when Samuel chose to sit down beside her. Annoyance welled up inside her, and unable to contain her frustration, she abruptly got up and left the classroom, with Samuel following closely behind.

Asher, who had been silently observing the situation, couldn't ignore the tension any longer. "Stop following me," Selena insisted, irritation coloring her voice. "You are Asher's friend. Kissing me, his girlfriend, is the same thing as betraying him."

As Selena attempted to distance herself from Samuel once more, Selena left abruptly.

Samuel found himself face-to-face with Asher. Samuel hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Did you hear..."

Asher cut him off with a stern look, his emotions tightly controlled. "Yes, I did. Is it true? That you kissed Selena. If you think what you did was wrong, then don't say anything more to her. Don't tell her I know too. I want to hear it from her."

With those words, Asher walked away, leaving Samuel standing in the hallway. 

Selena found herself caught in a web of confusion, torn between her desire to be honest with Asher and her fear of making the situation worse. She knew that Samuel had kissed her, and while she hadn't encouraged it, she also hadn't explicitly rejected his advance. Now, with Asher planing to attend the lecture with his boss and Samuel acting as their driver for the outing, Selena was unsure about how to navigate the delicate balance of their relationships.

The dilemma weighed heavily on her mind. She wondered whether she should come clean to Asher, admitting what had transpired with Samuel, or if she should keep it to herself, fearing that revealing the truth might only exacerbate the tension between them. Selena knew that honesty was vital in any relationship, but she also understood that timing and context were crucial.

As she mulled over her options, Selena couldn't help but feel the weight of her actions and the potential consequences they might have on her relationship with Asher. 

Myles excitedly gathered Violet, Mira, Leon, and Selena, informing them that he had secured tickets for an event. However, Selena's enthusiasm waned as she discovered that Samuel would be the designated driver for their outing. The tension between Selena and Samuel had been escalating, and she knew this trip would only add to the intensity.

Samuel couldn't help but recall the words Asher had spoken earlier, expressing his discomfort with Samuel being close to Selena. Those words had left a lasting impression, and Samuel knew that the situation was becoming increasingly delicate.

Meanwhile, Amelia approached Asher with an invitation to attend a lecture together. Intrigued, Asher agreed, unaware of Myles' plans. Myles went to Asher's workplace to extend the invitation, but Asher had already made plans to attend the lecture with his boss. He mentioned the location of the lecture, which happened to be near the place where everyone else would be going.

Later in the day, Selena attempted to discuss their group's plans with Asher, who seemed unusually distant. Concerned, she asked about the outing, and Asher hesitated before revealing his prior commitment to the lecture with his boss.

"Is Samuel going too?" Asher inquired.

Selena replied hesitantly, "Yes, he's driving us."

After the conversation, Selena returned to her place, her mind weighed down with the unresolved tensions in her relationship with Asher. Meanwhile, Asher retreated to his own space, left to contemplate the complex web of emotions and circumstances that seemed to be enveloping their lives. 

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