Shigure's House

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"Why do you have to leave, Kasumi?!"

"Momiji, I'm only going to Shigure-"

"OH MY DEAR SISTER IS MAKING HER WONDROUS JOURNEY! Tell our wonderful brother I say hello!"

"I will, Aya!" It's my last few moments at the main estate. Shigure returned to the estate a few minutes ago after making some errands in town. and at Sohma house, and we just finished packing my bags into Hatori's car. It'll be so weird not having all of my stuff with me in my room. Surely Akito will allow me on the property to visit at some point... 

"Kasumi!" Shigure calls from the doorway, "Are you ready? Yuki will be so excited to see you! How long has it been since...?"

"I'm ready Shigure," I say as I close the trunk and blow a few strands of hair out of my face, "And it's been 2 years since I saw him. You know what New Years is like. Not like I'd see him much apart from that after he moved out."

"Shigure! Did you hear that??" Aya laments as he comes up behind Shigure, grabbing his friend by the shoulders, "My poor sister hasn't seen her loving brother in 2 years!"

"Ah, isn't is a shame? Torn apart, never to see each other again!" Shigure cries, clasping a hand to his heart.

"Enough of the dramatics," Hatori interrupts, coming around the car to stand by me. "Let's head out."


As Hatori drives us up the mountain road to Shigure's house, I'm in awe. It's been years since I've seen anything this far from the main house. The only places outside of Sohma House that Hatori could take me to were the shops in town when he let me tag along for errands, because Akito kept him at the estate so much. Only in the past few years was he able to let me go on the occasional errand (usually a bookstore run) by myself. So beautiful and big!  The trees go on forever!

Towering, green trees whiz past us as we go further into the forest. Occasionally, we can see bits of Tokyo peeking through the foliage. I can't believe Sohma family owns all of this... We pull onto a dirt road that turned off not far up the mountainside. Not long after, we come up to a big, traditional style house. It's similar to houses at the estate, and sits in a little, secluded clearing. It has two stories and a little pond peeking out in the yard.

"Ah, home sweet home!" Shigure exclaims, throwing open the passenger door before the car stops and ignoring Hatori's annoyed scolding. My mouth dropped open. His house was absolutely amazing!

"Is this really your house Shigure?!" I ask, opening my door and getting out. 

"Why wouldn't it be? Now, Hatori will take your things to your room, and I'll show you around."

Hatori glares at Shigure as he opens the trunk. "You'll use any excuse to get out of work."

Shigure leads me through the house and into his sitting room, which serves as both a living room and dining room. Sitting there was Kyo, who I last saw a year or so ago. Shock and confusion registered on his face as I walk in with Shigure. Next to him is a girl who has long brown hair with ribbons holding some of it back, and is already smiling widely. That must be Tohru Honda! She looks just like they say she does! Across the table from her is the person I've been waiting to see for too long. My brother, Yuki. He's taller than when we last saw each other, if that's even possible. He seems surprised to see me, but smiles nonetheless.

"I'm back with a surprise! Tohru, this is Kasumi. She's Yuki's younger sister. She'll be staying with us from now on." Another layer of surprise adds itself to my brother's and cousin's faces. "It all came together last minute. Sorry I didn't get to tell you before I left." Tohru seems so excited to see me, which throws me off. She jumps up, bowing quickly before holding out a hand with a bright smile.

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