Party Time

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I just arrived and looking around I realised I was one of the few who were decently dresses, or didn't look like a slut. I had a little make-up on, thanks to Macey she had told me she was keeping it light to add to my natural features. I didn't know the first thing about make-up, so I just let her do her stuff but I had to say it looked good.

I hated that almost everyone was wearing dresses or skirts they were all just suck ups. I on the other hand was wearing skinny jeans and a stylish shirt that Liz had picked for me, not because I wanted to try and fit in, I didn't care about fitting in. No I was wearing this because I felt comfortable in it.

Ok, maybe they weren't trying to suck up, no they were most likely only dresses up for Mr Parker's son, Zac.

I groaned, I was already bored out of my mind and I had only been here 10 minutes, I desperately needed someone interesting to talk to. I had tried chatting to some of the girls but they just gossiped about the others or about how they thought they were better than me, just wait till I beat them in the big match, just wait.

There were lots of men in business suits walking around, so I didn't find it unusual to see one very classy looking man walk towards me, he was wearing a expensive looking suit. His face that caught my attention, stunning face with sparkling green eyes and soft salt and black waves of hair tumbling of his head. I recognised him immediately, it was Mr Parker.

I watched as he walked over to me and looked me up and down,
" So why did you chose to wear trousers unlike all the other girls here?" I wondered weather this was a trick question and I was not allowed to wear trousers to this event, just be confident and give him and honest answer and maybe you will get away with it if that's the case, I quickly reassured myself.
"I wore jeans as I find them more comfortable than a dress" I answered, with my head high to show I wasn't intimidated by him.

"Hmm, you remind me a little of my daughter she's a right handful with no friends, if only she could be like the girls here." He told me with a sigh.

"Mr Parker, I don't mean to be rude but I think your daughter is probably a better person than most of the girls in the room." I told him, a little confused as to why he would put his daughter down. He looked surprised, he probably had so many people telling him what he want to hear to get on his good side. The only problem with that is no one tells him what he needs to hear.

"Why do you say that about the other girls in the room? After all at least one of them is your team mate?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"Honestly, out of the team I don't get along that well with the girl that is here from my team. And yes I would say that about the girls in the room, as they have no loyalty. All evening I have been trying to make conversation with these girls and all they want to talk about is weather or not they like a girls outfit or who's going to hook up with who from what team, and honestly I don't care about what they have to say. As all they are doing is bitching behind each other's backs, so when it comes down to it you have no one you can trust." I told him with a power to my voice as I had experience this first hand.

" Really? That's what you think? Well maybe you want to try have a conversation with my daughter so you can have an even view point. She is upstairs first door on your left she refused to come down saying she didn't want to waste her evening, if you can get her down here I would be very grateful," he told me looking sadly up the stairs and then he got up and walked away to talk to someone more important. I don't know why but when I spoke to him it felt like he was hiding something in his words, I wasn't sure I trusted him.


I wanted to kick myself, as I walked up the stairs I had had my first and probably last conversation with Mr Parker and it has consisted of my disagreeing about his daughter, we hadn't even mentioned football once. Oh well, I sighed at least I could escape the petty little girls downstairs. I knocked on the first door on the left, holding my breath hoping she would at least let me in.

"DAD, go away I told you I don't want to come down and talk to those pussies," a voice inside yelled.

"Um... I'm not your dad I was wondering if we could talk, I am really bored of all the girls down stairs?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Your probably just a brat trying to suck up to my dad by getting me out of this room" she told me. I sighed, I obviously wasn't getting into her room but I didn't want to go downstairs but I couldn't leave this early it was disrespectful for my team.

I slid down the wall next to her door and pulled out my phone, but before I could do anything on it faint music began to play from inside the room. I sat up a little straighter, the tune was familiar to me. " Are you playing Firefly by owl city? I love that band" I asked. There was no reply. I guess she didn't hear me over her music or she just didn't care. But then suddenly the door next to me opened, a tall girl with blond hair and sparking green eyes looked down at me and frowned. "Come in"

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