A New Friend?

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Paint covered every inch of the wall making up a beautiful mural of a wolf running through the woods at night. "Wow, that's amazing I love how the wolf looks realistic." I told her, she didn't reply but the corners of her mouth went up a little. She walked over to her bed and sat down patting the spot beside her for me to sit.

"First things first, one did my dad send you up here to bring me down? And two do you have a crush on my brother and are trying to use me to get to him? I suggest you answer honestly as I can tell when you are lying" she told me.

I was a little shocked about how blunt she was about all of this but I guess she had been used one to many times. "Your father did ask me to bring you down but I'm not going to, the reason I came up here was to find a safe haven from the dogs downstairs. Also I have never met your brother but I have heard stories about him and I wouldn't go after a player, so no I'm not here for your dad or brother." I told her with a grim smile.

She sighed and nodded "well then you are clever and I might need some advise from you"

"Ask away"

"Ok, so I met this guy and I really like him, I'm not usually like this with guys. I want to get to know him better but he's a player and I am scared I will be like all the other girls he messes with."

Yay, I silently cheered in my head, I could deal with this I used to know a guy like this. "Ok, first what type of player is he, the one who just want to get in your pants or one who makes you fall for him and then he moves on cause your no longer a challenge?"

"The second type"she told me. Perfect.

"Do you have a white board?"I asked

"Yeah" she said looking totally confused but passing it to me.

"Ok, your going to have to listen carefully." I drew a line down the middle of the board on the left side I wrote him and in the right her.

"On the left will be the moves he is most likely to try on you, and on the right are the moves I think you should do to keep him interested, but you have to add your own touch to it."

1. Pull
"This is when he will flirt with you to get you interested."
2. Push
"Here he will ignore you for a while to see how desperate you are"
3. Seduce
"Here is where he will get you to fall in love with him, and go into your pants"
4. Release
"Where he will break your heart and move on to another girl"

1. Pull
"You will have to flirt back to get him interested"
2. Push
"When he ignores you it is like a cry for attention, but you will not cave in, under no circumstances will you contact him."
3. More
"Here while he will try to seduce you, you will flirt back and you can kiss him if it comes down to that, but do not go to bed with him. Leave him wanting more."
4. Date
"He will realise you are different from most girls and this will entice him as he likes challenges, so you will agree to go on a date with him"
5. Break up
"This is optional, if he is still just trying to get you in bed or not treating you right I know it will hurt but you will have to break up with him, if this happens contact me."

"Wow, how do you know so much?" Tori asked looking shocked at the board, her face while I had been explaining had been pure concentration she obviously really like this guy, I just hoped he wouldn't break her heart, cause then I would have to beat him up.

"I used to know a guy who was similar to how you described, his name was Toby, we used to be friends but it ended on and argument." I said with a small sigh, I know I shouldn't have left our relationship like that he used to be like a brother to me.

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