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WARNING This chapter contains mild swearing and a little violence:


I drove home quickly that night desperate to get back before my dad realised I wasn't there. Each time I moved my foot on the pedal the pain shot up around my ankle but it seemed to be fading, that wasn't right if anything the pain was supposed to increase I thought.

I pulled up in my drive way and quickly climbed out of the car walking fast but quietly to get to the back of the house. I looked up at my window and started climbing as I was doing this I turned my gaze to the window next to mine, the faint light of a TV could be seen through the cracks in the curtains.

Carefully I lifted up my window, I had left it open before hand to make it easy to get back if I was late. I lifted my right leg up and placed it over the window frame then slowly away my left leg to follow. But it was too good to be true as I lifted up my blanket to climb in, the door opened and there stood my father furiously glaring at me his hands balled in fists.

I froze.

He walked towards me and moved his hand so fast I didn't see it coming, but I felt it and it hurt like hell. My hand came up to my cheek as it stung and the pain washed over me, I felt slightly light headed but I would not pass out in front of him.

"Don't think I wouldn't notice, bitch you were so loud the neighbours could have heard you!" He roared at me. I lowered my head and braced my self, SLAP, my head whipped to the side and tears surfaced in my eyes, I didn't want him to see so I closed them.

I wanted to yell at him but I knew that would only make things worse, so I waited to see if he was done yet. "I'm going back to watch my show you aren't worth my time" he growled at me and stormed out slamming my door behind him. As soon as he was gone I let the tears roll down my cheeks, I always tried to stay strong in front of my friends, I only cried for two reasons, pain and shouting, I hated shouting it reminded me of him.

I got changed in a daze and laid down in my bed in a ball hoping he wouldn't come back, and thanking that he wasn't drunk so he hadn't done worse, I drifted off with dried tears on my face but with a faint smile as I thought of my new friend and her mysterious brother.



I woke up early and went through my normal routine of getting up, after showering I shove a tracksuit and a baggy jumper on with some converse grabbed an apple the jumped in my baby.

She was a beautiful my car, originally I had wanted a Ferrari 488 GTB but thanks to my father owning all the money I had to use what my mum gave me, so bought an old Ferrari F512 M from a garage and I cleaned her up adding cool new wheels and a brand new engine, and now she was my baby.

I drove at 40 miles per hour to Becca's house, I had picked her up for school ever since we were little my mum had picked both of us up, so I had carried on the tradition. I pulled up out side her house it was more like a mansion apparently her parents were very rich, honk, she came rushing down her drive and jumped in next to me.

"Ok, I know you hate this but Macey was supposed to be going to school with Liz and so she's at Liz's house but Liz's cars being repaired, so please can we pick them up." She said in one breathe, I laughed at her and nodded.

She had turned to look for my reaction but now she was studying my face, the slap mark had faded and I had tried to cover the punch with concealer but in the end I had given up, she leaned towards me frowning. "Your jaw has a swollen punch mark on it" she stated with one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

I gave her a look asking if she could drop the matter, and cause she knew me so well she left it but I was sure she would bring it up later. We chatted about homework as I drove up to Liz's house, honk, Macey and Liz walked down the driveway, Macey looking effortlessly as always like a model on the catwalk while Liz was trying to hide her face behind her beautiful blond hair.

"Ahh," Macey screamed as she climbed in "you have to tell me everything that happened at the party last night, I want all the juicy gossip." So for the rest of the journey to school I gave them an update on what had happened but I left out meeting Tori's brother as it had been confusing and I hadn't yet figured out exactly what had happened.

As we pulled up at school I told my friend that I had my football practice was tonight, and as Liz and Macey had no car they would have to wait after school with me. This was fine with them though as they wanted to see the game and they even started betting agains each other as to who was better, Stacey, Becca or me.

Mentally I sighed, having a bad felling in the pit of my stomach about the upcoming match, or maybe it was because I had only eaten an apple today, I shrugged and reminded myself to eat more for breakfast in the future.

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