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My dad is so annoying I get that he is the alpha and all but does he really have to invite all these girls to our house. I had just gone downstairs to get some water and had been mobbed by at least twenty girls, darn my werewolf genes making me irresistible.

I was now hiding upstairs from all of them as I knew that the girls couldn't come up here so I was safe. I wandered over to my room and flopped onto the bed. My sister had told me about how she thought she might have found her mate, my friend Toby. But I really hoped it wasn't him as he would most definitely break her heart, that boy was a no good player, and although I might be heartless to other packs of annoying pack members I really care about my sister and if she gets hurt the person responsible will have to pay.

I walked over to my desk, I really should be doing some pack work now or going through the papers my dad gave me but I really can't be bothered I could always do them later. Instead I pull out my sketch book which is hidden under my desk as my father disapproved of art, I flip through the pages to the back page. This one was the best I had ever done it was of the woods at a full moon and everywhere is in shadows except on clearing, there were trees towering on all sides of the clearing but the middle is what I love the most. I the middle there is a huge golden brown wolf, me and I am lying curled up with another wolf, but I have only drawn the out line as I don't know what my mates wolf will look like yet, I will fill her in with all her beauty and try to do her justice when I finally met her. I sigh and lay my head down next to the book and close my eyes, letting sleep overcome me.


Bark, wake up now!!!
Shut up Blake
You want to get up now, trust me
It's not as if I can go back to sleep, what do u want?
Breathe in!

I sighed and took a deep breathe and that's when it hit me, the sent of lavender, roses and pine. I groaned, it was amazing i wanted to breathe this in all day.

My brain suddenly kicked into gear, amazing smell that I want to breathe in the rest of my life can only mean one thing.  MATE!!

I sat up quickly falling off my chair in the process, then I was stuck with a dilemma do I change to look nice for her but she might be gone by then or go like this. I frantically sniffed my shirt, ew, it smelled of sweat, ok I'm changing. I grabbed a wife beater and jeans from my wardrobe and shoved them on then sprayed myself with some Lynx from my desk.

Hurry up!

For once I completely agreed with my wolf, so I ran out my room following the sent. I stopped outside my sisters room as it was strongest here, but that made no sense she never had anyone in her room, ever.

Should I go in?
No that would be mean to my sister.

I reached up my hand about to knock, when the door opened and there she was. My MATE! I wanted to kiss her, but I held myself back and looked her up and down, I wanted to imprint her in my brain.

She had shiny auburn curls that fell in a side parting covering the right side of her face, I wanted to reach out and brush it behind her ear to see it if was as soft as it looked and so I could see all of her face. She was staring at me with beautiful brown eyes framed with long black lashed, she had high check bones with a little blusher on them to make them stand out, she also had a unique little freckle above her left check bone. I stared at her cute nose and her plump red lips, how I wanted to kiss them.

Oops while I had been staring at her lips they had been moving, what had she said?

She was staring with anger at my chest not my face, I started to panic, did she not like my face? Was she going to reject me? Why else was she not celebrating?

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