The Match

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At last I could do something I love.

The day had not gone great Stacey had bugged me all day about how I had ditched her and then gave me a talk about her wonderful evening with her boyfriend, Tori's brother, which ended with me having a huge headache as she would not shut up. I wanted to rip her head off or scream at her but I couldn't so I just held myself back.

Until now.

Now I could attack her without getting it to any trouble. I love football.

I ran out onto the pitch with Becca next to me, "girls your first match is on Friday, which is tomorrow, so I'm going to have the captain going over the game plan and I'm going to watch you play and see who to bench," coach yelled at us.

Stacey walked over to the rest of us and started bossing us around saying who was playing which position and who would be bench, she only got away with this because she was captain. She didn't really deserve this position but her father was the headmaster so she walked around like she owned the school. He let her do what she wants and get away with it as she is daddy's little princess.

It was practice time, as it wasn't a match we played a game for half the session then we did conditioning and running to get stronger for the next match. This was normally very tiring but for some reason I pushed myself harder as I wanted to win the upcoming match and nothing would stop me.

Friday football game:

"I am going to placing you on the bench Koh and I will play QB as I really need to show my boyfriend what I got, and sadly you got nothing." Stacey told me with a smirk and this made me furious I was always the Quarter Back it was my favourite position and now I had to sit and watch while she takes over.

Yeah right! She wasn't going to stop me!

I wasn't going to let her do this, so I stood up from the bench as the team started to play and walked over to the coach. "Coach, please can I play at least one quarter of the game, I'll put my all into it, I just hate sitting on the side being useless," I begged him, I hated begging but I needed this.

The coach smiled at me, and told me "of course, I'll put you in for the last quarter, you are one of our best players after all."

I was beaming as I walked back over to the bench, it was half time so Becca was coming out to sit on the bench with me, Becca played a great RB runner back. "hey, you know how you were telling us about the girl you met at the party?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I suspiciously, I was curious as to why she was bringing this up now. "Well don't look know cause on your left is a male version of the girl you described and he seems to be checking you out, if I am not wrong that would be Zac, Tori's older brother."

Zac, that name sent shivers down my back, biting my lip nervously I turned slowly as if I was watching the game until I spotted him. He was standing there in a wife beater shirt and jeans, showing of his glorious arms which I just wanted to rub my hands over, to see if they felt as good as they looked.

Why was I thinking these things?!?

Oh my this guy has turned me into a sappy girl and I don't even know him, this was bad and I had to make it stop. I was determined to do that, until he turned and looked at me, with his chiseled jaw tanned skin and those beautiful brown eyes with little specks of green, then my breathe just caught in my throat. His eyes connected with mine, I felt fluttering in my stomach and it felt like he wanted to tell me something.

A sharp pain shot through my head as the whistle blew and it took all my strength to look away from him, argh he was so good looking, stupid girl hormones it's just another hot guy stop freaking out I told myself.

Becca hit me on the back, bringing me back to the present, we were in the last quarter it was time for me to go on we were wining 21:20, but I wanted to beat them hard enough to that when they heard our schools name the winced.

So I focused on the match ignoring a certain someone who would not stop starting at me, and I through my all into the game. My head ache pounding each step I took.

You need to get away from the school.

I froze. That voice in my head was no mine. Should I listen to it? No, I need to win this game so that's what I am going to do.

I shock my head, this must be the headache getting to me so I kept playing and the pain just got worse.

The score was now 29:20 I need to get at least one more point, I urged myself onwards even though all I really wanted was to collapse. I lined up in position, yelled hike and then instead of passing it I ran, ran straight down the pitch. I had warned the team before hand I was going to do this and they defended me well. I was almost there, suddenly everything started to get really loud, the cheering was defending and the yells of the team overpowering.

I started to panic why was going on, but my body ignore the noise and just kept moving, I launched myself forward, TOUCHDOWN!!

Screaming echoed everywhere, my head felt like it was going to split in two. I couldn't stay here so I took off heading for the woods, the noise was slowly quieting down, if I go to the woods it would be quieter, I would be ok.


The fire alarm.

My legs couldn't hold my weight anymore I felt faint and collapsed to the ground my hands over my ears trying to block out the sound, my head still pounding, I curled my body in a ball. I couldn't take it so I welcomed the darkness all around me.

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