Am I Mad?

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The first thing I felt was faint tingles all over my body, as these faded I became aware of a strange noise.

Beep, beep, beep. What was that noise? Where am I? I kept my eyes shut as I am trying to figure out what happened.

"She will be fine, she's has mild concussion from how she fell, so she will need to refrain from banging her head in the next two weeks."

"What exactly happened?" Said a voice I recognised.

"She was dehydrated, and hadn't eaten since this morning, so she ended up fainting, I am guessing she ran off because of her headache."

"Guessing? So you don't know for sure but you are supposed to be a doctor"

"It's a 90% chance what is said is right" said the doctor in an authoritative manner and a hint of annoyance coming through his voice.

I pushed myself up right and opened my heavy eyelids, I obviously moved too fast as a hot flush rushed over me so I leant to the side and pucked.

I groaned and looked around, Becca was standing up it had been her annoying the doctor, Macey and Liz sat on the chairs and Tori stood by the door. My eyes widened a little at the sight of her, "doctor" I croaked "as you can see" I gestured to my puke "I did eat breakfast and lunch so I think what ever happened is not what you think it is" I snapped, the doctor looked at me shocked.

Everyone stared at me in shocked silence .

"Tori, how come your here? Also what time is it?" I asked as I looked out the window into darkness.

She smiled at me "I came to check on you after my match, my brother told me what happened, also it's 10 o'clock"

"Ok so I have been asleep like 3 hours wow" I wanted to tell my friends what actually happened, but as I opened my mouth,

Don't tell the doctor, get him to leave.

The voice was back, it hadn't been my imagination, maybe if I had listened to it last time this wouldn't have happened.

"Doctor please can you leave us for a moment, I need to talk to my friends" the doctor left, but Tori also got up and walked towards the door.

She has to stay and hear this.

"Where do you think your going, you're one of my friends and I need to talk to you guys all together it's really important." I told her, she still looked unsure but came over and sat on my bed as the others gathered around.

"I heard a voice in my head, I know this sounds crazy. But I had a headache and the voice told me to leave the match, but I didn't and then everything started getting really loud and I couldn't handle it so I took off" I look at them all unsure of how they would take it, Becca was grinning at me next to her Liz was biting her nails looking worried, Macey just looked confused and Tori was looking at me in wide eyed shock.

"When's your birthday?" Tori asked, what the hell? I just told her that I might be mad and she asked me when's my birthday.

"March 14" Becca told her for me.

"That's two weeks from now, the day after the final match between boys and girls" Tori states looking at the girls in shock.

"Can some one please tell me what my birthday has to do with the fact that I might be going mad?" I growled out annoyed at the fact they were ignoring the problem at hand.

"Nothing, sorry I got distracted. I don't think you heard a voice in you head maybe someone behind you talking, and the headache thing I think you were just dehydrated from the match" Tori told me and Macey and Liz nodded, Becca did too reluctantly as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Yeah I guess your right" I know I wasn't hearing thing but if that is what they want me to believe then I will play along, for now.

I know this chapter is a little short but I promise the next will be longer.

Guess when my birthday is!

Hope you like my story so far thanks for the support.

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