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I have never been normal, but now less then ever. My friends are trying to act normal as if nothing happened, I'm playing along but I can feel like they are hiding something from me.

Today was Wednesday and I had been focusing on everything so I didn't have to think about what happened. So I had found Tody's number and had called him and asked if he could meet me and a friend at a little cafe called Made with Love.

I had called Tori at lunch time and told her I had someone I wanted her to meet and to meet me at Made with Love wearing something nice.

Stacey had been ill on Monday and Tuesday but she was back today, I had been avoiding her as she seemed extremely pissed.

But as I came out of my last lesson of the day, Maths, she was standing in the corridor with her pose blocking Liz.

"Where is she?!? I am going to make her pay!" Stacey yelled at Liz, with her fists clenched by her sides

"Koh isn't in the same class as me and she hasn't done anytime wrong" Liz snapped back, but I could see the fear showing in her eyes.

Clenching my jaw I stormed over to them, "I'm here Stacey, now leave my friends alone, if you have a problem with me come to me NOT them. Do you understand" I growled extremely angry, how dare she scare my friends?

"Ha ha" she fake laughed, "I'm not scared of you, I just wanted to warn you not to go anywhere near Zac, HE IS MINE." She yelled.

I stared at her with calm indifference, "I don't care what you say, I will do what I want." Her eyes widened, "also the fact that you need to go as far as threatening me, just shows you are feeling threatened of ME!" I said laughing as I grabbed Liz's hand and pulled her along behind me.

"I ... You .. Arg you will pay" she yelled desperately behind me.

I turned the corned and looked over Liz, "are you ok? She didn't hurt you did she?" I asked worried.

Liz shook her head," no I'm fine, she just scares me when she yells" I pulled her into a hug to make sure, I didn't like doing touchy feely things but she was my friend and she deserved a hug.

"Come, I'm picking up Tori and driving her to a blind date I set up" a little smile lit up Liz's face, and we set off in my care to pick up Tori then Made with Love.


"I'm so nervous" Tori muttered looking down at her expensive shoes with red soles. She looked stunning even in ripped jeans and a cropped jumper, she nervously glanced around for a sign of the guy she liked so much.

"Calm down, I'm sure everything will be fine." Liz reassured her, as we walked over to the counter to order drinks. We sat down at a little table near the corner, and made small chat as we waited.

Tori's head jerked up, "it's him" she muttered. The door swung open and I was hit by the smell of Lynx, cookies and vanilla. In walked Zac, Toby and another burly guy I had never met before. Toby turned and his eyes met Tori's, he tried to walk over to her but the burly guy pulled him over and whispered something to him.

My eyes widened, " you never told me your brother was coming" I whispered accusingly.

"I didn't know" she replied quickly, her eyes still glued to Toby, not breaking eye contact.

I sighed as I realised she wasn't moving, standing up I walked over to the guys. I swallowed feeling slightly nervous at seeing Zac again, why did I feel this way? No other guy has made me nervous or unsure of myself before, I quickly shrugged it off. It must be his player charm.

"Hey Toby, long time no see" I told him purposely not looking at Zac. I looked Toby up and down, he was wearing a smart shirt and jeans. I nodded in appreciation, good he had dresses up for Tori maybe he would really be worthy of her.

I heard a low growl next to me, I turned to look at Zac, he quickly started coughing, "sorry, I have a bad throat" he told me in a gruff voice, his friends turned to look at him with shocked faces.

"Well... Toby" I said feeling awkward, "that over there is Tori, your blind date, I guess you already know her as you know her brother." I said quickly guest urging at Zac but not looking at him. I walked back to our table with Toby following me.

"Hi, I'm Tori, I would love to get to know you more" she said seductively taking his hand and pulling him down. He seemed to be effected by her, his eyes flickered to me as I took Liz's hand and pulled her away from the table, leaving them together. I knew Tori was nervous but she covered it up with a confident smile so I knew she would be fine on her own.

"Hey, ladies don't leave so soon" the burly guy told us, "let's do something fun and get to know each other a little better"

Liz looked eager and nodded, I glanced at Zac, "I'm fine thanks I'll pass I have some things I need to do." I said softly rejecting the offer.

Zac looked at me with sad eyes as if I had hurt him, the pain in my chest suddenly came back and I looked down frowning at my chest.

"Please Koh I don't want to go on my own" Liz muttered at me.

My friends would do anything for me and I would do anything for them, "fine, but I am inviting two of my friends." I said with a sigh reluctantly giving in.

"Yay, let's go paint balling"the burly guy cheered, Liz glanced at me with wide worried eyes but I just laughed this would be great fun.

This chapter and the next is so you can find out a little bit more about her friends.

Do you want me to do a chapter about how Tori's date went?

Thank you for reading my story, please recommend it to your followers, thanks xx.

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