Out by the Woods

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The expansive grounds of Hogwarts included much more than the castle, collecting pastures and rivers and hills and great swaths of woods, and at the corner of one forest was a quaint cottage occupied by the groundskeeper Hagrid.
His duties were numerous and extended far beyond the keeping of the grounds, an immense task on it's own. One duty was to keep and feed most of the wildlife found on the grounds, many of them dangerous. Hagrid had very little trouble keeping the beasts tamed, being half-giant himself he was bigger than all but a few of them and could wrangle and discipline them easily.
One of the beasts, a tiny dragon pup named Fleetweeg, flew around Hagrid as he chopped wood with his big axe.
"Careful Fleety yer gonna get a wing blaggered if ya get too close." he warned.
The little dragon chirped in acknowledgment, but continued to flit around him as the splinters flew.
"Ye goofy git." Hagrid sighed, wiping sweat from his brow. He had felled two great dead trees and wanted to bust them up into firewood before nightfall. Winter was a long ways off, but it was best to be prepared.
"Aye, that's best." he muttered to himself, swinging the big axe again, missing Fleetweeg by a bare inch.
"Hagrid!" a young voice cried.
Grunting, he turned to see three little forms running down the path to his property. They were too far to recognize, but he knew exactly who it would be. Harry, Hermione, and Ron, back from their Summer break and starting a new year at the castle.
"Yer back, finally!" he answered, a wide smile spreading his beard.
They reached him breathless, the three of them slamming into his legs and holding on with fierce hugs. Hagrid laughed happily, Fleetweeg circled them and chirped his own greetings.
"Hagrid we missed you!" Harry said, still squeezing one great leg. Hagrid patted his dark hair.
"Gosh I missed you little specks too. It's been a long 'ard Spring, it has."
Ron let go and smiled up at him, his hair and cheeks as red as ever, but he looked a little taller than when they last saw each other.
"Gosh, all of ya are sproutin' like bumbleshoots! Ye"ll be as tall as me by next year!" Hagrid said with a laugh.
Hermione and Harry backed away too, grinning. Harry had gotten taller too. But Hermione, she looked to be the same height. All her growing had been in her hips and her...
"Fleetweeg!" Hermione screamed. The baby dragon recognized his name and flew down to light on her outstretched hand. She immediately began stroking his scaly head.
Harry watched her, Hagrid following his gaze to beyond the dragon and onto the swell of her new bosoms. That's what was different, Hagrid thought, and quickly dropped his eyes.
She had left for the Summer with lemons under her shirt and had returned with melons.
Hagrid fought the thought away shamefully.
She was still...
"Just a kid." he muttered.
"What's that?" Ron asked.
"Oh nothing. You kids ready for a new year?"
"Oh goodness we are SO ready!" Hermione said, bouncing on her heels happily. The front of her sweater heaved up and down like twin boats riding a wave.
Harry's spectacles steamed up a little, and Hagrid himself had to look away.
"Harry, you ok?" Ron asked. "You look a little pink, mate."
"Er..I'm fine. Just winded from the running I guess." he answered.
Hermione ignored them, tickling Fleetweeg under his chin with a delicate finger.
"I gotta go get unpacked. You guys coming?" Harry asked. He walked away, tugging at his crotch uncomfortably.
"Yeah I guess we better get back." Ron said. "Let's go Hermione."
She let Fleetweeg fly away from her palm and smiled up at Hagrid with her big eyes and fresh face.
"Bye Hagrid! We'll see you soon!"
She ran away to catch up with the boys, and Hagrid noticed that the swelling of her top had also infected the bottom, her ass was now two fat loaves of soft bread that filled the fabric of her summer jeans.
"Oh bugger." Hagrid muttered.
A bead of sweat dripped from his nose, the eyes above staying glued on her pumping cheeks until she ran out of sight.

Hagrid Loves HermioneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora