Netflix and Sleep?

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Chaeyoung practically ran into the apartment after her shift ended.

"Woah there, Speedy Gonzales. No need to make me eat dust, I already agreed to let you shower first," Dahyun said as Chaeyoung pushed past her.

Chaeyoung huffed as she stripped in the bathroom, "We got home late! I only have forty minutes to make myself look like I didn't just work twelve hours."

"You should probably worry more about your smell," Dahyun muttered.

"What was that?"


Chaeyoung turned the shower on and got in immediately. Shivers ran down her spine under the cold spray of water. Chaeyoung massaged the shampoo into her blonde hair and quickly rinsed it out. There wasn't enough time for a lather, rinse, repeat like usual so she would just have to accept it. After a quick run of her razor (and two nicks on her ankle because of her haste) and some strawberry scented body wash, Chaeyoung was out of the shower. A towel wrapped around her torso and one in her hair, she rushed into her room to find something to wear.

They were only watching a movie and having pizza, so casual and comfortable? She pulled out a pair of leggings and a slightly oversized green cardigan. It slipped off of one shoulder but that was the desired effect, according to Tzuyu who was with her when she had bought it.

Chaeyoung slipped a hair tie onto her wrist just in case she felt like putting it up later and began brushing out her wet hair. She looked at the clock on her nightstand and sighed. 8:36pm. Not enough time to do anything except blow dry her hair.

And makeup. She still had to put on makeup.


Dahyun appeared in her doorway. "Yes?"

Chaeyoung glanced over at her friend sheepishly, "Do my hair so I can do my makeup?"

Dahyun sighed dramatically, "And what do I get out of this?"

"Breakfast in bed, sometime in the near future."

She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows at Chaeyoung, "Definitely not tomorrow morning, huh?"

Chaeyoung makes a noise of distress, "It might be if I show up with medusa hair!"

Dahyun rolls her eyes and starts rummaging around for the blow dryer in Chaeyoung's drawers. The room is quiet except for the roar of the hot air, and Chaeyoung thinks about Dahyun's comment. When Dahyun is done, so is Chaeyoung, and she had ten minutes to spare. She voiced her worries to Dahyun.

"What if she's not interested and I'm just assuming things? What if she's just humouring me?"

Dahyun placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder. "I think she would have blocked your number and placed a restraining order."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and shoved Dahyun's hand off of her. "Not helping."

"Chaeyoung, come on. You have game. You can get into her pants no problem."

"Dubu, I like her. This isn't just sex. Honestly, I don't even care about the sex. She's pretty and sweet, when she isn't being defensive, and God, she has this one smile and I can tell that she doesn't smile like that often but I just," Chaeyoung sighed. "I want to make her smile like that all the time."

"If I wasn't trying to be supportive right now, I'd throw up." Chaeyoung shook her head. "Just be yourself, Chaeyoung. She likes you too, enough to talk about her work and tell you a story about her childhood. Mina seems pretty closed off for the most part, but she told you that stuff. When I talked to her, I hardly got one word. Just a curt nod and a yes."

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