The Surprise

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Mina ran her fingers over the unfamiliar counter. Chaeyoung's apartment was still largely unknown to her since they spent the majority of their time in her own apartment. But Chaeyoung insisted that Jihyo and Tzuyu have the chance to spend time in Jihyo's home.

(Nobody wanted to listen to either of the couples getting it on all the time. And apparently none of them could keep their hands to themselves. It had caused one too many interruptions on all sides in the last month.)

Which led to Mina stranded in the middle of Chaeyoung's kitchen while Chaeyoung took a quick shower. When Chaeyoung asked her to put on a pot of coffee, neither of them realized that Mina didn't know where the coffee grounds or filters were kept.

Or the coffee maker itself.

She had only just found the sink again.

Mina sighed deeply and carefully made her way across the kitchen, arms outstretched to touch the objects around her. She sat down in the chair at the small table against the far wall and slouched. Mina hated feeling useless.

Chaeyoung was out of the shower minutes later, damp feet making quiet slapping noises as she moved towards Mina at the table.


"I have no idea where anything is, Chaeyoung." Mina turned her head towards her girlfriend and smiled weakly.

Chaeyoung clicked her tongue. "I guess some direction might have been helpful." She padded the rest of the distance and placed a gentle kiss on Mina's forehead. Chaeyoung walked around the kitchen quietly, gathering the necessary items. The coffee maker was pulled across the counter, stuttering as the small rubber knobs on the bottom skidded across the smooth countertop. Lid flipped up, a small rush of air from Chaeyoung's lips to separate the paper filter, filter sinking down into the basket with very little noise. Then the tell-tale sound of Chaeyoung fumbling with the lid of the coffee can, followed by 1-2-3-4-5 scoops of coffee, and enough tap water to fill the perfect ratio of coffee grounds to water.

Mina stood from her seat and slowly made her way over to Chaeyoung. "You know, in my apartment I can be all chivalrous, making you coffee and breakfast every morning. Here, I'm useless."

Chaeyoung spun around and gathered Mina in her arms, swaying slightly as she lost her balance. "You're not useless, Mina. You could never be useless."

"A disappointment then."


Mina sighed, "I don't like not knowing where everything is."

Chaeyoung nodded and pressed another gentle kiss to Mina's temple, "I know. That's why I'm going to request that we get to stay in your apartment, and Jihyo and Tzuyu just stay here. Dahyun is already at Sana's unofficially. Once the lease is up in two months I'm sure she won't be sticking around much longer.

A light bulb went off in Mina's head, "Let's do that."

"Do what? Move in with Sana?"

Mina huffed. "No, Chaeyoung. Let's move in together."

Chaeyoung pulled back, "You want to move in together?"

"Haven't we technically already been living together for two months?"

Chaeyoung thought about it. They had been, unofficially, living together for two months. They hadn't spent a night away from each other since before the two of them caught that cold (which Chaeyoung will forever refer to as The Sickness of the Decade) and took care of each other. Chaeyoung held Mina's face in her hands and looked into her eyes. The emotion behind them was convincing enough for Chaeyoung. She kissed her lips gently. They stood in the middle of the kitchen, bodies pressed together, happy to stand like that forever. Mina pulled back after a few moments, waiting expectantly. "Let's move in together," Chaeyoung repeated.

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