Two Types of Wetness

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Chaeyoung woke to wetness on her face. A tongue lapping at her cheek. Did Mina just lick her?

She opened her eyes to see a black nose, long pink tongue, and sharp teeth. A German Shepherd. "Hi, buddy." Chaeyoung lifted her hand up from the tangle of blankets to pet the dog's snout. Chaeyoung murmured soft words to the dog as he settled down beside her on the edge of the bed. She cuddled up to the big guy and he let out a happy whine. Chaeyoung felt Mina roll over behind her as she jostled the bed marginally. Mina pressed her front into Chaeyoung's back, her arms wrapped around Chaeyoung's hips moments later. Chaeyoung turned her head to look at Mina. A peaceful smile graced her lips. "Good morning, Mina."

"Good morning, Chaeyoung. You met Ray, I hear." Mina licked at her dry lips. Chaeyoung couldn't help but let her eyes drift down to watch.

"He woke me up with kisses." Chaeyoung rolled over to face Mina. "Not exactly the kind of kisses I was hoping to receive this morning, but I'm sure someone would be able to make up for that." She leaned in and pressed her lips gently on Mina's cheek, then her lips. Mina brought her hand up to cup Chaeyoung's cheek, melting into the sweet woman.

Neither of them noticed Ray's whines from lack of attention. They did notice when he got down from the bed, but they didn't stop kissing. They did stop kissing when Ray jumped back onto the bed and landed between them, as he pushed the women away from each other.

"Ray," Mina whined. "Of all the times to want to cuddle."

Chaeyoung giggled, "It's okay, Mina. He just wants to be included." She scratched the German Shepherd's head between the ears and he looked at her with love in his eyes.

"How did he even get home?" Mina asked. She didn't expect to get an answer but-

"I picked him up this morning."

Chaeyoung turned toward the voice. Jihyo stood in the doorway with a smirk on her face. Did she ever not seem smug about something?

"How long have you been standing there, Jihyo?"

"Since I let Ray into your room to wake you two lovebirds up."

Mina sighed. Privacy with Jihyo was just about non-existent.

"Chaeyoung's phone has been going off for the last twenty minutes. I figured it might be somewhat important considering she has a job to get to," she said before she tossed the phone into Chaeyoung's lap.

Chaeyoung looked at the phone and groaned. All of the missed calls and texts were from Dahyun. She was already twenty minutes late for her shift. "Son of a bitch. I have to go." She turned back to Mina who pouted adorably. "You're so cute," Chaeyoung whispered. She kissed Mina softly. Chaeyoung pulled away and Mina chased her lips. After one more peck, Chaeyoung pulled away "I'll text you when I get a chance?"

Mina nodded, "Have a good day, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung carefully made her way out of the tangle of blankets, "You too, Mina." She gathered her clothing from the chair it was piled on and jogged out of the apartment, down the stairs, and to her car. It took about seven minutes to get to her own apartment from here in good traffic. Chaeyoung hoped that today would be a good traffic day.

She pulled out of the parking space and sped down the quiet side street. After quick turn down another to avoid a school bus, Chaeyoung turned onto one of the busiest streets in the city. It was fast paced, but it was a short cut to get home. Chaeyoung usually avoided it because it was referenced as "The Bowery Racetrack". She had been here to pick up a lot of pedestrians who had been hit by idiot drivers in the past, along with a handful of people who were victims of T-bone accidents.

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