Whining and Cuddling

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"We're literally going to die being in here. Can we leave?"

Chaeyoung sighed. The pen in her hand moved quickly across the paper before she thrust it into the hand of a passing nurse. "We aren't going to die, Dahyun. Why are you being so dramatic? It's just a cold going around."

A group of sniffling and coughing people paused and Dahyun cringed into Chaeyoung's side. Once they passed, Chaeyoung pushed her away. Dahyun glared at her, "We don't all have immune systems that deflect every single disease in the world like you do."

A smug smile graced Chaeyoung's lips. It had easily been ten years since she had come down with anything more than a slight fever. "Maybe you should have eaten more dirt as a kid then."

"Did you actually just say that?" Dahyun asked. "That's hardly an insult to me. It's more of an insult to your own intelligence."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as they stepped through the doors of the hospital. Her phone buzzed in the right pocket of her jacket. She didn't even get any pleasantries out before Jihyo spoke.

"You need to get over here as soon as possible."

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, your girlfriend is being whiny."

"She's not my girlfriend." Not yet, Chaeyoung thought. Dahyun looked over at her, annoyed. She mouthed something at Chaeyoung before making kissy faces and drawing hearts in the air. Chaeyoung shoved Dahyun's hands away from her face.

"I'm sick and tired of her complaining. She's being overly dramatic," Jihyo said.

"Why is she complaining, Jihyo? She never complains about anything."

"Somehow she's caught that dumb cold going around within eight hours of you being gone, without having left the apartment."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Well she must have caught it last night in the restaurant, it didn't just come out of nowhere."

Jihyo sighed into the phone, "Just come take care of her, please? She won't listen to anything I tell her to do."

Before Chaeyoung could say anything else, Jihyo hung up the phone. She sighed and turned to Dahyun, "Are you okay not working overtime today? Mina's sick with the cold."

Dahyun nodded fiercely, "Any excuse to not walk into another infested hospital today is appreciated."

Chaeyoung figured Jihyo exaggerated greatly about Mina's illness and complaints just so that someone with a real medical background would come take care of her. Chaeyoung was more than happy to do it.

But when she arrived back at Mina's apartment, supplies in each hand, she realized that Jihyo was not exaggerating.

Mina was curled up in a ball on the couch, shaking and sweating bullets. Her face was pale in comparison to Chaeyoung's own complexion, which was a few shades lighter than Mina's normal skin tone.

"Jihyo!" Chaeyoung yelled as she walked into the apartment. "What the hell?"

Jihyo walked into the kitchen, a bag in her hand that looked suspiciously like an overnight bag. "Good, you're here. I'm leaving."

"Why haven't you been taking care of her?" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

Jihyo scoffed, "It hasn't been for lack of trying. She won't drink anything I give her, eat anything I make, or get up and shower despite me telling her how much better she will feel. Good luck." She walked swiftly out of the apartment before Chaeyoung could even open her mouth.

Chaeyoung set the bags on the counter in the kitchen and pulled out the cold medicine, Gatorade, crackers, an orange, and a small container of yogurt. She gathered the items in her arms and walked into the living room. Mina still hadn't moved since she got inside the apartment.

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