One Day

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I want to marry her one day.

Chaeyoung was smiling to herself the entire drive back to the apartment with this sentence in her mind. It was incredibly endearing that Mina had let it slip out to her father during a conversation that she wanted to marry her.

I want to marry her one day, too, Chaeyoung thought to herself.

"You're awfully quiet over there, Chaeyoung." Mina broke Chaeyoung out of her thoughts. "What's on your mind?"

She glanced out of the corner of her eye to her girlfriend who sat next to her. "You," she said simply, grin still plastered to her face.



"What about me?"

"You want to marry me."

Mina let out a soft huff. Chaeyoung watched as she bit her bottom lip as if she was trying to hide a smile. "I knew as soon as I said it your dad would make a big deal out of it."

"He's right about the U-Hauling bit."

Mina chuckled, "I said one day, not next Tuesday."

"Technically, next Tuesday is one day."

Mina groaned and Chaeyoung giggled. "You know what I mean."

"Okay, so next Friday then?"

"Chaeyoung," Mina whined, dragging out her name. "You said one day when we were back at your parents' house."

Chaeyoung clicked her tongue and hummed, "No, I didn't."

Mina turned her head towards Chaeyoung, "Yes, you did."

"I didn't."


"Mina." Chaeyoung was having a difficult time concealing her laughter.

"Chaeyoung, you definitely did,"

"I said 'fun gay'. Nothing about one day."

Mina huffed, "You're ridiculous."

Chaeyoung couldn't contain the giggles anymore. It was a good minute before she finally stopped. She looked over and took Mina's hand from where it was sitting on her lap. She intertwined their fingers together and gave it a quick squeeze. "You love me even though I'm ridiculous."

"I suppose."

Chaeyoung gasped in mock surprise. "You suppose? And to think I was going to marry you one day."

Mina burst out, "Ha! There, you said it! No take backs!" She exclaimed.

Chaeyoung just gave Mina's hand another squeeze. She turned down the side streets that led to her apartment. It didn't take long until they were parked outside of the building. She turned the car off, unbuckled her seatbelt, and leaned across the dividing middle and kissed Mina on the cheek. Mina pressed into the kiss, sighing softly.

"C'mon. If we're going to U-Haul it, I want some of my belongings." Chaeyoung released Mina's hand and stepped out of her car. She tugged Mina along behind her and into her not really shared apartment. "We're back bitches!" Chaeyoung called out into the apartment.

It wasn't two seconds until both Dahyun and Tzuyu slid out into the kitchen to meet them. "Chaeyoung! You're looking," Dahyun paused, "Not sad. At all." Tzuyu elbowed her in the stomach. "How are you holding up?"

Chaeyoung looked at Dahyun, "Holding up?"

Dahyun squinted at her, "I just spent the entire night crying. I don't know about you, but I am sad."

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