Chapter 2 - "You've Got Some Moves"

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Raph had barely managed to block her strike, but the force of it sent him stumbling back a step. The sound of metal on metal reverberated through the room, echoing the tension in the air.

As Raph steadied himself, his eyes locked onto Y/n's. There was a fire in her gaze, determination mixed with a hint of amusement. Y/n quickly retreated, creating a bit of distance between her and Raph only for his scepticism to turn into a fierce grin. "You're not bad. But don't think I'm going easy on you."

Donnie and Leo exchanged glances, their tension slightly easing as they realised Y/n wasn't necessarily here to harm them. Just as Donnie was about to intervene again  Leo held him back noticing Raph quickly strike forward towards the h/c woman only for her to dodge it by barely a single hair.

"Let us see how this turns out," Leo spoke grinning expecting his brother to win with ease.

Raph lunged forward again, his attack swift and powerful. Y/n's reflexes kicked in now expecting the turtle's attacks, and she gracefully dodged his strike, her movements fluid and controlled.

Raph's grin only widened, his excitement evident as he continued to engage with Y/n. He swung at her with relentless determination, each strike aimed to lightly graze her, but with the more attacks she managed to dodge he began to get more and more aggressive realising she was well able to help herself in combat.

Leo watched with keen interest, his eyes flickering between Raph and Y/n. He could tell that Y/n wasn't just a random intruder – her combat abilities were too refined. There was a story behind her skills, and he was determined to find out where she had practised and learnt such a strikingly familiar combat style.

Raph let out a gasp as he narrowly parried one of Y/ns first offence movements stepping out from her seemingly perfected defence.

He struck with a renewed intensity, his movements fierce and calculated. Y/n met his onslaught with a mixture of evasion and counterattacks, her katana dancing through the air with precision. The clang of their weapons echoed through the sewer rooms. The two seemed to have battled each other in a powerful rhythmic dance almost enchanting to watch the two at work Y/n harmonising with Raphael's movements.

It became evident that Y/n was not just defending herself – she was holding her own against Raph's ferocious assault. Her movements flowed seamlessly, each parry and strike executed with precision. Raph's initial grin had turned into a focused expression in an attempt to land a single blow on the girl.

Their blades clashed and twirled, the tension between them palpable. Y/n's eyes sparkled with a mixture of exhilaration and concentration. 

Leo and Donnie watched with increasing amazement. Y/n's combat style was extraordinary, a combination of discipline and her own seemingly innovative twist which was somehow working. They saw hints of their own training in her moves, yet she had a fluidity that was uniquely her own.

As the battle continued, Y/n managed to sidestep one of Raph's strikes, using the momentum of his attack to spin around him. Raph barely had time to react as she executed a swift kick to his back, sending him stumbling forward.

Leo and Donnie quickly stepped in not wanting her to take it too far simply because they had managed to believe she didn't initially have malicious intent. 

Raph's eyes widened in surprise, "You've got some moves, I'll give you that."

Y/n grinned a thin layer of sweat gracing her forehead. "Likewise. You're not exactly a pushover."

Donnie stepped forward spinning his staff around expertly, tapping out his brother from the fight. The two combatants circled each other, "My turn."

Leo looked at his brother in shock not expecting such advanced from his typically rational brother.

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