Chapter 3 - "And I Promise, Raph,"

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"I don't know. All I know is that he was expecting me to come back, and I was to help look out for his sons from the surface." She crossed her arms, looking away with a feeling of guilt forming in her gut, "and I didn't wind up coming back."

"Well, you came back for him, and me now, is that not what matters?"

" 'And 'I' Mikey." She corrected, gaining the nerve to grin whilst making eyecontact with him once again. Donnie couldn't help but be proud that someone was correcting Mike's long lasting shit grammar and oddly enough, Mikey didn't seem to retaliate against her.

Donnie poked his head into the conversation. "The fact of the matter is you came back to keep your promise and help us, as well as that you obviously kept up his training too. I'm still shocked he kept this from us."

"I'm not." Raph spoke up, crossing his muscular arms. Earning a harsh glare from Leo.

"He taught us all he knew, and he passed off his unfinished 'work' to shredder, and God only knows who else."

Y/n glared at the red masked turtle in disgust at the slander towards her old master.

"And we have learnt to forgive him -" Mikey spoke up, looking at Raph as though he were asking if he agreed with the fact they had all forgiven them.

"Yes, but he never told us every detail before, so I don't see why it's so hard to believe this." Raph defended glancing between his brothers and Y/n

"What brings you back to Splinter, Y/n?" Donnie questioned, gesturing for them to walk towards the couch.

Before advancing, she carefully picked up the Katana she had stolen from Leonardo, the blue masked turtle, and held it up for him to take and place carefully on the back of his shell.

He bowed ever so slightly in thanks to the politeness of the woman. She grinned at him and quickly turned and sped seven feet to the sofa where Mikey and Donnie were standing.

"Obviously, I'm here to protect his sons. Shredder on the loose, and all these common gangs I have heard of sound enticing but nothing like the gangs from where I am from." She had just told a lie. That she was here to keep her promise.

Raph glared at her with a scrutinizing gaze as Leonardo stepped forward a few steps "Well be sure to make yourself at home. We still train together when we can, so you're welcome to join us -"

"I'll be looking forward to our rematch." Raph grumbled
Donatello chimed in, "We appreciate your willingness to help protect us. It means a lot."

Y/n felt a mixture of relief and gratitude for their understanding. She took a step closer to Raphael, offering a sincere smile. "And I promise, Raph, I'll give you that rematch. It'll be a fun challenge."

This irked Raphael knowing that to her, this seemingly only meant to be a fun training exercise, whereas he took this challenge all too seriously.

Y/n followed as Michelangelo plopped down on the couch, "How come you wear those masks? It's really odd to see you wearing that Mikey."

Mikey chuckled, adjusting his orange mask as he settled onto the couch. "Well, it's kind of our thing, you know? Keeps our identities hidden while we're out in the city." The three brothers snickered thinking of hiding their identities as mutant turtles. Y/n raised an eyebrow playfully, glancing around the room at the other turtles, thinking to herself, 'the masks wouldn't hide much for their identity and mutant ninja turtles. Mikey continued not noticing his brothers laughing at his declaration. "Plus, it's ninja fashion 101."

"And do all of you have different colours, or is this some sort of fashion statement?" Y/n grinned, crossing her armsfinding the group to be quite vibrant.

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