Chapter 5 - "Share Your Secret, Fearless Leader."

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The night ended and Y/n walked back into the sewers as Donnie and Mikey were talking to Y/n still full of enthusiasm as they explained some of their ventures against the foot klan and the Krang.

"Y/n, we have also saved the world loads of times." Mikey boasted as Y/n gave him a look of disbelief.

"It was three times Mikey." Leo corrected, in an attempt to remain humble only for Mikey to shake his head in disagreement. Donnie glanced at his brother in blue and then back to Mikey's sad face, "I mean, Leo, don't sell us short. That's three more times than most humans have done."

"That has to be bullshit." She crossed her arms grinning at them as they continued walking through the sewage tunnel while Mikey and Donnie maintained their high energy as they explained their fights whilst illustrating some of the movements and fancy kicks for her as they kept moving onward.

Their passion and excitement were contagious, and she couldn't deny the genuine heroism that shone through their words and actions. She knew Splinter had done well in bringing up her childhood friend and Mikey's brothers.

Raphael, who had been quietly walking beside her, noticed the warmth and admiration in her eyes as she listened to Mikey and Donnie's stories. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that they had impressed her.

"Yeah, they've come a long way," Raphael remarked, his voice filled with pride. "And they're just getting started."

Y/n turned her gaze to Raphael, a genuine smile on her face. "It's incredible, really. I'm so proud of Mikey."

Raphael nodded in agreement, a rare softness in his expression. "We all are... I'm just happy to see how much my brother's friendship means to you."

"I may come across as a prude to you, but I am here for him and for you all. but if it comes between you guys or him, I will be saving him."

"I don't think you'll be the one doing the saving sweetheart," Raph spoke in a jokingly condescending tone as he looked at her in curiosity.

"Bring me on a patrol, and I will show you how useful I am. Your father and my two masters had taught me well. I won't let you or your family down."

Leonardo was at the back of the group and observed carefully as his brother and the woman spoke to each other, not managing to get into another argument. The closer he looked, the more he noticed Raph's manner becoming a bit more... timid.

Leonardo, who had been silently observing the interactions, couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his brothers' behaviour. Raphael, typically the most confrontational and stubborn, seemed to be showing a more gentle and accommodating side when it came to Y/n. Leo recognized it as a shift in Raphael's demeanour.

But what surprised him even more was the realization that the same subtle shifts were occurring in Mikey and Donatello. Mikey, who was usually the playful and carefree one, was displaying a level of maturity and responsibility, especially when it came to Y/n. Donatello, the analytical and reserved brother, was becoming more open and attentive in her presence.

Raphael cracked his knuckles, not sure what he was trying to say, "My brothers are all amazing too ya know. Just because you've known one longer doesn't mean that you can not have a relationship with us."

"I understand and I may not know you or your other brothers well yet, but if they're anything like Mikey, they must be amazing," Y/n replied, a sense of warmth in her voice as she sent a warm smile to Raphael. "I won't close myself off from getting to bond with you all."

The four had found themselves at the entrance and slid into the cosy, homey living area.

"Y/n, if you like, you can take my bed. I'll have the couch." The youngest beamed generously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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