Third Week - Part 4

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Oh my God, I have no Ideas for notes...

Third Week - Thursday


Kuguri had told me he had made me a sandwich, but, he already had his sandwich out and was eating it, so I'm sure he wouldn't mine if I had just taken a bite out of the unbitten end...

The thing was, Naoyasu was, in the process of eating his sandwich, so, he was taking a bite at the same time...

I laughed as Naoyasu's face showed a light red colour blush...

I grabbed my sandwich with one hand, and his (now empty) hand with my other hand, and pulled him along...

It was still early in the day, due to school let out at/during 12...

We made our way over to the park...

Stopped to sit down on a bench, I swung my legs back-n-forth as I ate happily. Humming a little tune...

My last bite was small, but before I had the chance to eat it, Naoyasu's hand swooped down like a seagull stealing chips...


I looked up at him, confused and plotting murder in my eyes...

"You didn't let me eat the last of my sandwich, so far enough, I steal the last of your sandwich" He said as he ate it, with a smile on his face as he looked down at me, licking his lips...

"You should have gone to Kamomedia High if you were going to act/be a seagull"

They both laughed, stood up, and walked hand in hand through the park...


Yūki sat on the couch as I had to pile all his stuffed toys on top of him...

By the end, he sat there, controlling his army of plushies, surrounded by them, whilst wrapped up in a blanket...

I closed the window...

Because Yūki refused to move until he received hugs...

(IDK, I'm heavily sleep deprived)

Reentering the room, Yūki was snuggled down, under his mountain of plushies...

I walked over, picked up one of those octopus plushes, and made it happy...

The happy was a light pink, whilst sad/mad was a baby blue...

Placing it a top of Yūki's head. He stared at me, looking cute...

He giggled...

"You're gonna be the death of me"

"You love me though"

With that, he opened his arms, pushing some of the toys away. Me, being the protective person I was, picked him up, and sat down, him on my lap, still wrapped in his blanket, snuggling into my hug, then kissing me...

I was probably around 3:30 when when the kisses (turned mini make-out session) ended...

Yūki, took his hands of my shoulders, and sat down (still on top of me) and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me, snuggling into my shirt...

Placing the octopus back on top of his head, Kuguri pulled out his phone and snapped a quick pic of the two of them...

With the new photo, I made it my phone wallpaper lock screen, whilst also sending it to Daishō...

"Hmmm..." Yūki hummed in this sleep...

Carefully, I lifted him up, and placed him back down, still surrounding him with the plushes...


By the time I woke up, I still had Mr.Blur the octopus on my head...

Kuguri, sat next to me, asleep, head leaning on his arm...

I pulled out my phone, and I received a message from Kuroo, who sent me an Image of Kuguri and I from what I can only presume to be a hour or so ago...

I stood up, and immediately tripped over the blanket falling on the ground...

In seconds, Kuguri was at my side, asking if I was ok, to which I was...

Kuguri ordered burgers, and paid...

We sat and ate our burgers with chips, and drank our drinks, whilst watching 'Bambi'...

Later that night, we listened to our favourite songs before heading to bed, on the couch, as he wasn't bothered to move all the plushies back to my bed room...



Writing this at 2 trough to 3 in the morning...

Whilst listing to blur because why not...

Stay Safe

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